Wednesday, July 31, 2019
River Out of Eden
Division among species Human beings often questions about the world such as how the world was created, and have doubts about religions even thought they believe in one. The theory of Darwinism, creates a new idea of how human beings were created, and how they came to the stage they are in right now. In the Richard Dawkins book, River out of Eden, introduces a idea of Digital River, where species creates many branches of many kind. In this book, Dawkins explains the digital river by using the illustration of speciation, explanation for the â€Å"long good bye†, and speciation rom the reptiles. To begin with, the digital river, term that humans created for the explanation of the speciation, describes the whole cycle of process that occur among the living creatures over time. In order for creatures in this world to survive, they need to adapt to the environment they are in. Dawkins states that â€Å"to be good at surviving, a gene must be good at working together with the other genes in the same species-the same river. To survive in the long run, a gene must be a good companion. †(5) Thus saying that among their own kinds, any certain kind of species has to be in good shape and needs the competitive attitude towards their kind. For example, when lions hunt zebras, they need strong leg muscles and swift movement in order to get the prey in one shot. Usually, in order to achieve this status, lions need to acquire good genes from their ancestors. If they do not have the skills to hunt, they will not be able to survive, resulting only the fastest and quickest lions to survive in the cycle. Dawkins also states the idea of the â€Å"long goodbye†, relates to the digital river. The â€Å"long ood bye†is a status when animals of similar kinds cannot have sexual intercourse anymore. The book states â€Å"nobody doubts that the most important ingredient is accidental geographical separation. For example, when lions and tiger mates, they still h ave a baby, people call in the liger. But ligers cannot mate within themselves because their genes are different in a great way. Tigers and lions may had a same ancestor, but by the geographical factors, divided in two ways. They have many similarities and style of living, but still they cannot create a new branch in the igital river. Lastly, Dawkins talks about the speciation of the reptiles. The book states â€Å"When the ancestors of all the modern mammals broke away from those that are not mammals, the event was no more momentous than any other speciation. †(9) like this, even though many people bring upon the idea of the Darwinism that reptiles turning into other mammals by the theory of evolution, this is no other different than the process of speciation such as geological part away, or natural selection. In Dawkins book, Digital River presents lot of information and thought about how pecies evolve in about to certain stage, and how they come upon to that certain degree . It is not a true fact, or a certain thing whether the evolutionary statement of Dawkins proves that species exists in certain stages, but because of the entry of the Darwinist thoughts, human beings think about the life one more time before they simplify the life, and also come up with psychological factors that deals with life. Works Cited Dawkins, Richard. â€Å"River out of Eden. †The Digital River. New York: Basic books, 1995: 1-29
Fast Food: Problem in America? Essay
Imagine you’re at McDonald’s and you’re going in for that bite on your burger. First thing you think about is the tastiness of the burger and not exactly what you’re eating. Little do you know that you’re eating so much stuff that will actually take a toll on your body in the long run? Most Americans do not have this thought running through their minds because all they care about is the explosion of flavor in their mouth and the satisfaction of being full after. Americans should eliminate the regular consumption of fast food because the fast food diet leads to health issues, such as diabetes, obesity, and heart disease. Diabetes is a common factor after consuming fast foods (junk food). For those who do not know what diabetes is: Diabetes is a disease in which the body is unable to properly use and store sugar. Sugar backs up in the bloodstream causing one’s blood sugar to rise too high and fast food is high in sugar even though we do not know it. Even though the fast food may be high in calories, it will lack nutritional value because of the high amount of carbs as well as all the fats. Fast foods are usually high in calories, and highly processed, but they tend to have few vitamins and minerals, and are usually low in fiber. Fast foods often contain large amount of added sugar, and high in saturated fats and Trans fats. Besides diabetes, Americans are highly affected from fast foods in the form of obesity. You can find a fast food restaurant every time you turn the corner and you can choose from burgers, tacos or a sugary drink at most places. As mentioned before: Fast foods are typically high in calories, fat, sugar, carbohydrates, and sodium. I believe the rate of obesity is so high because of how inexpensive it is to buy and also due to multiple locations of fast food restaurants. Obesity is starting to become a major factor in America these days due to all the fast food we consume. In addition to Obesity in America, it is now becoming a big deal to the youth. As said before, most fast food chains lurk around every corner and is very tempting to the human eye. Along with the location of fast food our lifestyles have changed over the years where we live in a fast paced society. The fast food industry understands this which is why there is a drive through window. You can order something healthier on the fast food menu, but most of the time you are being rushed to order and you make the wrong choice, or because the healthier items on the menu are usually the most expensive. Either way this is what I see when I order from fast food restaurants. Finally, the most serious outcome of consuming fast food in your daily will be heart disease and eventually death. Studies found that consuming fast food as little as once a week increases the risk of dying from coronary heart disease by 20 percent. The risk goes up to 50 percent if you eat fast food two to three times weekly, according to the study. Worse still, the risk shoots to 80 percent for those who eat fast food four or more times per week. The study I found was interesting to me and it had me thinking of my own eating habits. Can you imagine with all the excess carbs, fats, sodium, sugars, and cholesterols being absorbed in your system that it will play a major role on your cardiovascular system? The thought of this was quite stunning and should be taught worldwide to prevent heart disease, which will lead to death. Fast food will always be a favorite meal for anyone that doesn’t have time to cook, on a budget, or just prefers the tastiness of the grease. Down the road if fast food is consumed daily then the effects will be catastrophic on the human body such as diabetes, obesity, and heart disease. Fast food might not seem harmful at first, but the effects will soon become noticeable such as your waist line will become a lot bigger and you will start to feel out of shape even if it is simply walking that you do. Most of this essay is referring to the Americans, but if I were to specify which category that fast food affects the most the category would best suit the adults and children would be another category that suits this very well. Childhood obesity is on the rise and everyone throughout the world should know this, but for now just be aware that fast food is a major cause for diabetes, obesity, and heart disease.
Tuesday, July 30, 2019
Women fashion
What kind of clothing did women wear in ass's advertisements? Women use to put on dresses that were limited and perfected Just below the knees, head scarf became more popular. Look today isn't as precise as it was in the ass's. Pattern now days are occasional. Women now wear Jean and pants rather than proper gowns. In the ass's female get into gowns at home typically today female would put on something more offhand and easy. The approach of women replaced now a days in the last 73 years, because of the adjustment to the recession, behavior, and the home.I am going to treasure trove how females have changed from ass's advertisements through today. Fashion has not only given to the approval. In the ass's a change in fashion showed up. The war was up so community initiated growing into fashions that feature the dead soldier who fought in the war. So for memorable moment if a person had battle in a war he'd wear his uniform and his partner would wear a plain office skirt. In the ass's wo men fashion was very different from today. In ass's it was socially acceptable to wear full clothing covering everything.Models in ass's saw females expertly designing a line behind their legs, to give the reaction that stocking were frayed. Fewer material was used to form skirts and Jackets, and so they be turned into shorter. A decade back, what was Make 2 treated as brutally awful like females wearing pants, became a normal act. Nonetheless, the pant favored by females were easy long-term or pants with boots. Heels were still decorated by the females with the spontaneity of slim floor. Swing skirts were enough in interest in those days, with the decorative edition the drawing ruing the fresh ass's fashion.Beauty today is basically had the finest body, ideal hair, refreshing clothes, and perfect clothes. Many females view the advertisements for look and appearance, striving to view and be like the female in the ads because it is what the earth says charm is. An ad for Ban deodoran t, for instance, displays an angular, bright young woman adoring her body in the mirror. This apparently has nothing to do with deodorant, but it give the picture to female that using this deodorant makes you look like her.When glancing at ads in both magazines and television, you can barely usually see an ordinary looking woman. Now a day females are consistently advertised as this ideal person with no responsibility or concern, breathing the imagination life because of what they are wearing. Present-day ordinary females look at 400 to 600 ads per day. Today's fashion model's weigh 23% fewer than the ordinary women. Wistfully for women this is proceeding more and more. Women advance themselves to the Max, and in the end it hurts. Women fashion By Tamaki
Monday, July 29, 2019
America Gets VERY Involved Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
America Gets VERY Involved - Essay Example The Buddhist crisis was a result of the repressive reforms of the President Diem in South Vietnam. The reforms were majorly against the likes of the Buddhists, who constituted the majority of the population. Until 1963, the Buddhists resisted themselves from any rebellious demonstrations as a reaction to the disliked Diem rule. However, in May 1963, this patience came to a revolutionary end, when the Diem forbade the celebration of the Buddha’s birthday by religious banners or flags. On May 8, in the city of Hue, Buddhist leaders went against this order and continued their celebrations. This led to a conflict between the Diem army and the Buddhist monks leading to an open fire demonstration that resulted in the killing of nine people and fourteen people became wounded (Brune & Burns 2003). This event was precipitated as a result of the oppressive reforms and rule of President Diem and the event was significant in showing to the world the disdain and dislike his own people had for him. The Buddhist revolt gave evidence of the immense lack of support that Diem had in his own country (Brune & Burns 2003). Another significant turning point in the Buddhist crisis was on June 11. On a busy intersection of Saigon, a monk, Thich Quang Duc poured himself with gasoline and set himself on fire only to express his contempt for Diem. The American media captured this incident immediately and the photographs of the self-immolation became the highlights in not just United States but all around the world. These horrendous pictures of a monk on fire led to a wave of criticism and immediate action. The American policies were criticized for supporting Diem who was oppressive in his handling of religious matters. The American government on the other hand, realized the deficiencies in Diem ’s presidency, and forced him to withhold his strict limitations (Moss 2009). The Buddhist revolts were a
Sunday, July 28, 2019
France's Resistance to the Membership of Turkey in the European Union Essay
France's Resistance to the Membership of Turkey in the European Union - Essay Example Since 1963, Turkey has had the privilege of being an associate member of the European Union. (ARIKAN, H. 2006). On 14 April 1987, Turkey officially forwarded an application to accede to the European Union. The events that followed the membership bid, has become a major controversy over the last two decades. Turkey, apart from the ten founding members, was one of the first countries to become a member of the Council of Europe in the year 1949. Furthermore, Turkey was also one of the founding members of The Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD). (JOSEPH, J. S. 2006). Since 1992, Turkey has had an associate membership with the Western European Union. Moreover, Turkey also fulfills its services in the United Nations, as a member of the Western Europe branch of the Western European and Others Group (WEOG). (BELKE 2004). In 1995, a Customs Union Agreement was signed between Turkey and the European Union. At European council’s summit held on 12 December 1999, Turkey was recognized as a candidate for membership in the European Union. Despite the fact that Turkey has contributed tremendously for the welfare of European countries, ironically its accession to the European Union remains at a standstill. Furthermore, France has always resisted Turkey’s membership in the European Union. (JUNG, D. et al 2008). The motive behind the resistance is not entirely based upon religious affairs. Moreover, the resistance has not stemmed due to a single reason, it is however, a cumulative result of numerous underlying issues. This Paper includes an overview on the ongoing enlargement process of the European Union and attempts to throw light at some of the major reasons forcing France to neglect strong Europe-Turkish ties and fiercely resist Turkey’s accession to the EU. The paper also attempts to weigh Turkey’s chances of accession to the European Union. Furthermore, the paper also attempts to speculate on whether France’s resi stance is justified. Overview: The long awaited accession negotiations finally opened on 3rd October, 2005. Turkey embarked on a long difficult journey of negotiations and it might take a decade before a decision is finalized. (ARIKAN, H. 2006). The terms of accession and the future benefits that turkey could give to the European Union, if its membership is confirmed, are two issues which have created an unclear and perplexed scenario. (JUNG, D. et al 2008). In order to become a member country, Turkey has to make tremendous efforts to fulfill the Copenhagen Criteria. Firstly, Turkey has to stabilize its political conditions by creating stable institutions which would ultimately guarantee and follow a democratic system and fulfill all the norms of a full European democratic country. Secondly, Turkey must transform into an economically strong country by creating a sound functioning market economy. Moreover, the EU expects Turkey to adopt and strictly adhere to the â€Å"acquis commun autaire†i.e. a set of EU laws. Thirdly, Turkey must reform its foundation in an effort to fully adopt and implement the political, economical and monetary Laws of the European Union. (TOGAN et al 2005). Opponents of turkey consider the country to be too big and too poor to join the European Union, on the other hand, some opponents consider Turkey to religious to be allowed to become a part of the European Union. Proponents of Turkey consider such opponent claims to be nothing but dubious notions because they recognize Turkey as an economically strong nation. Furthermore, they recognize the fact that Turkey is not bounded by a single religion as the Nation has no official religion thus, the issue of religion should not be treated as a major stumbling block to Turkey’s dream of accession to the European Union. (ENGERT, S. (2010). Turkey’s accession to the EU-A long, troubled journey: Since 200 years, Turkey has been trying to
Saturday, July 27, 2019
Case Study Foreign Direct Investment Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words
Case Study Foreign Direct Investment - Essay Example Continuous growth is essential for company’s survival in the interest of its investors and work force. Hence, this reports addresses strategy development directions in this regard. The idea of growth should be one of the business objectives. The company needs to engage in strategy development so as to create competitive advantage over its competitors. The strategy development is important as it should be difficult for the competitors to replicate. Collaboration with business partners or the stake holders such as the company’s suppliers, distributors and customers is a guarantee creating a competitive advantage which the competitors cannot easily emulate (Campbel, Stonehouse, & Houston, 2002) Different strategies to achieve competitive advantage are 1) knowledge-based strategy, 2) generic strategy 3) hybrid strategy and 4) core competence/distinctive capability/resource-based strategy. Organizations generally will select one of the strategies and incorporate value-adding activities in support of the strategy selected. These strategies are briefly explained (Campbel, Stonehouse, & Houston, 2002). ... Tacit knowledge is that which cannot be stored being mostly of individual experiences of experts. This is also not possible to be copied by the competitors (Demarest, 1997). There should be at least three types of knowledge available within firms. They are know-how, know-why and know-what referring to practical knowledge, theoretical knowledge and strategic knowledge respectively. All these combine to form core competencies of a firm. Generic strategies are the well known Michael Porter’s generic strategy frame work that explains the competitive advantage of a firm. (Campbel, Stonehouse, & Houston, 2002). Hybrid strategy is the combination of knowledge strategy and generic strategy. Lastly, the core competency strategy which is nothing but the essence of the firm’s vast experience in the tradional activity the firm has been engaged in. Ansoff’s matrix will also serve to give the proper direction for the company’ s future activity. In view of the saturated market in Europe, the only way out for XYZ Plc is to seek greener pastures abroad. Developing countries are the niche market for automobiles because the globalization has improved the standard of living for the people therein resulting in creation of demand for automobiles. Markets for automobiles in these countries has not yet saturated. These countries are attractive not only within the context of domestic market for automobiles but also the savings in wages by almost 65 per cent. The countries offering huge opportunities for investment are China and India, the world’s two largest populated countries. Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) These countries have benefited a lot from the inward FDI flowing in continuously. India especially has survived the economic crisis that
Friday, July 26, 2019
Questiona and Answer Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Questiona and Answer - Essay Example Illustrators also often resort to research in the early stages of the illustrative process. They usually do background research of the elements involved in the story and deeply understand them in order to better tell the story in picture. The next procedure would be the storyboards, design and layout, where the illustrator arranges the sequence and the blending of the text and the illustrations in order to have the most potent story-telling effect and to highlight and emphasize certain parts where highlighting is needed. Ansty & Bull (2000) noted that the illustrative process is rather full of interaction from many people along the way, and not only isolated to the illustrator. He consults among many individuals and are also critiqued and constructively evaluated by others before the final output is done. This step is essential especially with the involvement of an editor wherein he knows what might be good or what might be detrimental in the ultimate goal of the story, which is to sell. Going back to the illustrator, it is important to consider how he views and is aware of his target audience for the illustrations. He must be sensitive to the orientation of the readers and on how he portrays them or how he expresses it to them in a manner appropriate. 1. The illustrative process is likened to the writing process because of the way it does not follow strict guidelines and sequences of stages in order to make the desired outcome, but they nonetheless adhere to the same overall process. Writing is the ability to articulate to share and influence the thoughts with others (The Writing Process, 2007), in like manner, illustrating is not so far off in that concept. 2. In writing a story board, first, one needs to consider the message that is the overall concept in the story. In this case, in the story of Cinderalla, it’s about
Size, growth, current trends, developments & key factors of The Essay
Size, growth, current trends, developments & key factors of The Reformation - Essay Example Since the company only operates in USA now and has a unique sustainability, it is likely to expand globally. Indeed, its sustainability attracts a competitive advantage and good will that can push the company to the international front. Ideally, Reformation is an environmentally sustainable fashion brand that recycles vintage and surplus materials to create a chic, limited edition collection (The Reformation, 2014). The brand abhors environmental conservation and efficiency in operations. As such, the company seeks to produce their collections in the shortest time possible. Most importantly, the designers at the factory are flexible, moves with technology, and satisfy the customer’s fashion needs. Moreover, the factory ensures that their collections get to the customer at the right time upon placing an order. The factory has a mission of producing high quality and fashionable collections. With these aspects, the brand may be heading to the international market. The Reformation deals in the production of a wide range of products, which include dresses, tops, jumpers, bottoms, basics, outerwear, sweaters, and accessories (The Reformation, 2014). Nevertheless, the brand has the capacity to produce other collections in response to the growing customers’ needs. Notably, the brand operates in three renowned stores in the United States of America. These fashion stores include Reformation LES in New York, Reformation SoHo in New York, and Reformation Melrose in Los Angeles (The Reformation, 2014). The factory is planning to open other stores outside America. Indeed, the factory has been delivering its collections to its online customers based in other locations outside USA. As such, the size of the factory is growing and soon it might go global. Subject to the difficulty and time consumption in operating Vintage stores, Reformation builds its product
Thursday, July 25, 2019
Nursing reflection Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Nursing reflection - Essay Example And, if I will be going home later today?†â€Å"Are they aware of complications that may occur in these limited hours? And, they may have to admit me to the hospital if complications arise?†â€Å"I am in tears?†I bet they think it is my depression. I cannot talk because I am still on the ventilation machine. â€Å"Can’t they have me write my needs down on a piece of paper?†Okay, perhaps me writing will not work with the IVs in my arms.†But, have not they heard of asking ‘Yes’ or ‘No’ questions with one blink of the eye lids for ‘yes’ and two blinks of the eye lids for ‘no’. â€Å"What am I going to do?†They zing in and out of my room faster than a honeybird. While most agree that there is a nursing shortage and nurses are at their wits end for delivering patient care, it is imperative that nurses use the basic rules in providing quality nursing care especially in the critical post operative nursing care. According to Surgery Encyclopedia: Postoperative Care (11/16/2008), postoperative care is management of a patient after surgery. Our nursing patient has many issues and she should. Presuming there is a Post Anesthesia Care Unit (PACU), how long did she stay there and did she have any complications? She knows the goal of the postoperative nursing staff is to prevent complications within the first twenty-four hours. How can they do this? When she arrives to the area the nursing staff should do an assessment, diagnosis, planning, intervention and outcome evaluation, this sounds similar to SOAPIE with a couple of modifications. However, when you do your assessment, it would be advantageous to quote her on how she feels postoperatively including why she is crying. Did she feel pain during surgery? Remember that when you chart. On a scale from 1-10, one she is in awful pain and ten feeling no pain. How does she rate? Is she too sedated? Is she on a patient-controlled analgesia pump? Perhaps, you will have to put time in your schedule
Wednesday, July 24, 2019
Paris Garbage Transport via Inland Waterways Essay
Paris Garbage Transport via Inland Waterways - Essay Example Selection of an environmental friendly method for waste transportation becomes necessary for such a situation. For better understanding of the whole process of garbage transport through inland waterways, we can select the port of Lille in France. All the collected waste are not transported, instead a part is processed where it has been created especially for agriculture, mining and construction. Household wastes are put into 20 open top containers having capacity of 10 tons per container in the Collection Centre of Sequedin. The containers are transported from Sequedin to the 3km distant Port of Lille by truck. With the Ampiroll system containers are released on the terminal by the truck itself. Containers are loaded into the barge by the scaffold crane. The barge navigates to the landfill site of Blaringhem which is at a distance of 63 km. In Blaringhem, containers are unloaded by a super stacker and cleared in the spot. Empty containers are loaded into the barge and the vessel returns in the opposite direction. Since June 1999, estimatedly 76 000 Teu's were transported this way. In 2005, t he 7 314 containers transported this way reduced the quantity of CO produced through the transport by half and the quantity of energy consummation by one third. Recycling, reuse and valorizing waste is good for environment. The process of garbage disposal through waterways is more environmental friendly as it needs less land filling, less wasting of money and less consumption of natural resources. Also Inland Ports have the experience of terminals with up to date material and large traffic management.Cities and services in charge of waste have skills for waste collection, waste processing and waste valorization. Inlands Ports can be reliable and competent partners for companies or organizations that are in charge of waste management. Syctom in Paris, a household waste treatment company managing 2.5 milliontons/year of municipal solid waste in the Paris area for the past 10 years has encouraged sustainable transport solutions for the huge waste flows generated by an urban region like Paris. Its contract passed with the paper company UPM Kymmene is a unique and fine example of an innovating solution. Shipping waste consisting of collected old newspapers and magazines for recycling to Grand-Couronne has been in operation since 2005 with an 800 tones motor barge outfitted with an onboard crane. Now UPM Kymmene will send the newly manufactured paper rolls by ship to Paris and will be used to print daily newspapers and magazines. This 1,800 tones vessel takes on board 30'45 ft pallet wide' containers to and from Grand-Couronne and operates twice a week. The operation substitutes 4,200 truck movements and this volume is set to go up. Paris is conducting a pilot study to examine the prospect of transporting recyclable glass using inland waterway transport. Every year, 2,500 truck movements are necessary to transport glass collected from public glass deposit bins to the processing center in Rozet Saint-Albin, in Aisne. A first test using river transport as a substitute was carried out between Gennevilliers and the processing center through the port of Soissons along the Seine and the Oise. Currently Paris transports more than 2.5 million tones of wasteby river, among which are ashes, papers, plastics, and bulk, industrialand building material waste. In February 2005, The Council of
Tuesday, July 23, 2019
A FORMAL ANALYSIS Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
A FORMAL ANALYSIS - Assignment Example paper will offer a formal analysis of this painting, exploring its formal properties, subject matter, historical context and describing any symbolism exhibited in the work. In 1907, Henri Matisse did a painting on canvas using oil that he named â€Å"Blue Nude.†Notably, he relied on his use of bright colors in this painting and a high level of primitivism. Henri Matisse had earned recognition as one of the 20th century artists who produced colorful artworks. This preference is exhibited in this painting. His primitivism has been described through his use of strokes in the painting. Moreover, the strokes were sketchy like as he did his painting (Bohm-Duchen 55). The sketch like strokes is more evident in the shading of the underside of the woman’s breasts as well as the inner side of both her face and thighs. In these areas, Matisse relied on sketchy strokes to place emphasis on the undersides. Moreover, Matisse relied on color and such sketchy lines in his evident efforts to exhibit shadows and other physical details on the woman’s body. Notably, this painting has been considered as an abstract and not real because the artistic el ements used to highlight shadows and other physical details of the woman prove to be unrealistic. Moreover, Matisse missed out in giving clear details of the feet and the toes as well as the fingers. Notably, the painting appears to be hard and rough because of the style used. The faint details that define the painting as well as the roughness implied serve to emphasize the abstract nature of the painting. Moreover, Matisse does not present specific details of the background, although the audience can identify some plants and flowers. Moreover, Matisse’s primitivism of style is also exhibited by the evident exaggerations as he tried to outline the woman’s body (DSouza 70). For example, he makes her look like she has muscle, a body that is uncommon among women. The pores of the woman are also revealed by his sketchy lines and
Monday, July 22, 2019
Euroland Foods Essay Example for Free
Euroland Foods Essay Executive Summary: Euroland foods is a stable name in the market, it has grown well in the market over the years, but now it is planning to allocate the budget for the newly planned activities which are costing it more than 300 Million Euros but the company has to invest only 120 Million Euros. Various people from the upper management have come up with their suggestions for investment, few of them are very good and are acceptable in just a blink of the eye but many of them require greater search and evaluation for their validity. It is suggestible to first evaluate the alternatives and then rank them so that best of the activities could take place within the allocated budget. Strengths Weaknesses: In replacement and expansion of the truck fleet, the company can increase the number of goods hauled on the truck and this could reduce the transportation costs in the long run, further it could possibly have a greater market coverage but it is very costly to go for this option as Klink is not doing any experiment and going directly for 100 new trucks. The acquisition of new plant is although a good option but yet it is not very useful option as the investment in the entire plant can be risky and can put a lot of burden on the entire company’s budget, it is suggested that the company should buy a warehouse to support the growing needs of the customers for ice cream and yogurt. Another problem would be related to the labor hiring which would result in more costs. The expansion of the plant is a good idea as the market needs are completely growing and cannot be supported by any other plant, the plant capacity would increase by 20% but the drawback is that it is supporting those products that are not having the highest share i-e mineral water and fruit juices. Morin has come up with a good suggestion as the processing of dried fruit and its launch would enhance the company’s portfolio and also it would be a brand extension, it has got a fair possibility of growth as Europe is a cold region, the IRR is also expected to be higher than the required but then again it is requiring company to spend much more then it should spend. Also it can take the company out of budget as the company’s current concern should be about the stability of its current activities. Leyden has come up with a good idea of plant automation and conveyer system, this could reduce the need of the labor and the threats of lawsuit due to any injury that may take place because of the old plant. The company cannot only reduce the labor requirements but also may increase the market penetration as the units would be produced more efficiently now. The drawback is again related to the high costs and further the company may disappoint the labor which could be unethical and can bring agitation in labor against the company. The effluent water treatment at four of the plants is again good action since it is categorizing the Euroland foods as environmental friendly. This would add itself as strength to the company as now company would be working ethically in many ways. The drawback is related to the issue of investing in a non-functioning area, which would not bring any profits. Ponti has although suggested to expand the market to southwards and eastwards, but it is dependent on many conditions such as if proposal of earlier plant extension would not accepted then it is possible for the company to incur greater costs for reaching those newly recognized areas, further it is not suggested to go for them because the company has already got itself in other hassles and it should look at those points which could further strengthen it position in the current positions. Morin has come under the pressure of competitors and is thinking about the company’s well being, but yet there lies the problem with such a heavy investment, the company should always test market the product. Although it would be the product development to some good extent but at the same time it can cause the company to loose big money in something which it is not sure about. Klink has come up with a wonderful suggestion of networking, these days the markets are based on programs such as SAP which can control every activity of the company, if the efficiency would be there then the company may take more initiatives as it would think ahead. The weakness is again related to the increased responsibility which can cause disturbance and further it can result in unemployment as many of the activities would be performed with the help of networking. Humbolt has given a solution which suits his nature and he has again provided the company with something that could increase the liability of the company and further create more complexed problems for it. However, it seems to be very lucrative but it is all about the management capability of the company which is not appropriate in relation to such extension. Ranking the Proposals: According to my analysis, proposal 3 (plant extension) should be ranked first as it has a fair possibility of increasing the market share for those products that are stable from a period and are not growing (mineral water, fruit juices). Proposal 4 (snack foods) should be ranked second as it has got a fair possibility of market acceptance due to weather condition in Europe. Proposal 5 (Plan automation) should be ranked third as it can reduce the number of employees and other threats and can bring more profits in. Proposal 10 (Networking) should be ranked fourth as it can increase efficiency and so can reduce the number of positions in the company. Proposal 6 (Effluent water treatment) should be ranked fifth as it is environmental friendly and â€Å"good ethics is good business†. Proposal 1 (Truck fleet) should be ranked sixth as it is requiring a direct investment for 100 trucks where as the company should look for such changes in a slow manner. Proposal 9 (Sweetened yogurt) should be ranked seventh as it is very risky as it would take a lot of research and can distract the firm from its other stability objectives. Proposal 2 (new plant) should be ranked eighth as it would associate exceeding costs with it such as new labor, transportation and many other costs. Proposal 7 8 (market extension southward and eastward) should be ranked ninth and tenth as it is again distracting the company from its current objectives and its too risky as the entering market characteristics are opposite and against the company’s favor. Proposal 11 (Schnapps) should be ranked eleventh as it is completing out of the scope of the company’s feasibility. Effluent Water Treatment: Since the effluent water is just something the company is willing to acquire as a mean to have good public relations and to be able to contribute to the environment. It is just something which cannot bring company the profits, it would cost 6 million Euros if the facility equipment would be purchased now but later on it can be costly and government at times does affect the company’s investing powers. So it is better to buy this equipment before the government makes it a mandatory for the company to buy it. Conclusion: The ranking shown above is itself suggesting what should be done. According to the analysis, proposal 1, 3, 4, 5, 6 should be given utmost importance as it is feasible for the company to get them done within the allocated budget, so Mr. Verdin should give them more importance and recommend them to the board. They can also make the current position of the company stable and perhaps make it more efficient. Other projects have their own importance but they are not triggering the initial need of the company which is stability. The mentioned proposals would make the base of the company’s structure sounder and so it can look forward for other proposals in the future time period with more ease.
Sunday, July 21, 2019
Analysing Many Different Types Of Backpacks English Language Essay
Analysing Many Different Types Of Backpacks English Language Essay Are you someone who is outdoors all the time or just someone who travels an awful lot? If either one of these sounds like you, then you need to invest in Jens port backpacks. These heavy duty stylish bags will be able to haul all of your things no matter where you are going. Jan sport backpacks are great for just about anyone, including kids heading to school or soccer practice or an adult who needs a little extra room when taking some things to work or for play. Finding the perfect kids backpack for your child has now become a lot easier with the existence of our site, where there is a compilation of all the finest kids backpack collections out there from most of the famed bag-designers in the market today for you to choose and select from! Choose from absolutely outstanding designers that have decades of experience in the field of bag-making such as Coleman, the North Face, Kelty, Roxy, Camlback and others as you seek for the ideal backpack that would The backpacks for girls are p robably the first thing that comes to mind when you think of carrying books, pens, and papers around for school. Backpacks are the best possible way to carry everything you could ever need to class. If youre the kind of girl who needs her books, laptop, 10 different types of pens, cell phone, water bottle, snacks, money, makeup, and more, definitely consider a backpack to fit it all. Its always easier to distribute the weight of three textbooks and Functional. yet versatile, school backpacks have now become an essential accessory for school going kids. These school backpacks now come in beautiful designs featuring cartoon characters as well as floral prints in bold and bright colors which truly express a childs personality. These backpacks range in color, material, weight and size and are just right for kids and adults of all ages. They are multi-utility bags that besides keeping books, assignments and other school articles organized can a a laptop on Pack your gears; its time to t ravel. Whether its for mountaineering, light traveling, long distance trips, commuting, backpacking, skiing or for school; you can always rely on The North Face for backpacks that are high in quality, functional and durable. The North Face backpacks have been engineered using proprietary technologies, only to give you the best packs to fit your needs and gears. Credit goes to the two hiking enthusiasts, Douglas Tompkins and Kenneth Hap Klopp, the founders. Backpacks with wheels Without a doubt, rolling backpacks are becoming increasingly popular within todays population, for the simple reason that they offer more convenience compared to traditional backpacks or duffels. These rolling backpacks can be easily dragged on the ground, which requires relatively less energy compared to carrying your backpack on your shoulder and hurting your back and shoulders in the process. Undoubtedly a safer and more convenient substitute to traditional b- Functional yet versatile, school backpacks have now become an essential accessory for school going kids. These school backpacks now come in beautiful designs featuring cartoon characters as well as floral prints in bold and bright colors which truly express a childs personality. These backpacks angel in color, material, weight and size and are just right for kids and adults of all ages. They are multi-utility bags that besides keeping books, assignments and other school articles organized can Travel bags have been evolving s ince decades ago. Historically, the main types of luggage were chests and trunks which were manufactured from wood and other heavy materials. When the Second World War lurched its head out, smaller and more lightweight luggage was introduced. These days, luggage bags come in various forms and materials which make us confuse about what to choose. Main types of travel luggage are suitcases, duffel bags, totes, and most popularly rolling luggage bags. The best type. Backpack injuries have become so common, that orthopedic surgeons are now advising consumers to keep the weight of their backpack to a ratio of 20% their body weight to prevent any more injuries. Or better still to switch to a rolling backpack. Switching over to a rolling backpack would mean Youve got a lot of stuff, we get that. Too much stuff for your backpack? Not necessarily, but definitely too much for your back and shoulders. Getting a rolling backpack will help you tremendously. You can fit everything you need, from school supplies to travel gear in a single rolling backpack. Available in many colors and styles, you can carry it on an airplane and you can take it with you almost anywhere without the hassle of throwing a heavy bag over your shoulders. no weight on your shoulders at all. -Swiss army backpacks If you are a fan of Diane Von Furstenberg, then here are a few Diane von Furstenberg luggage options to consider. Diane Von Furstenberg luggage include the following types Diane von Furstenberg color on the go 25 inch wheeled suitcase which include the following features such as smooth in-line skate wheels, telescoping handle that locks in place, each upright expands 2 for increased packing capacity, valet straps to keep clothing securely in place and interiors affair many years people have been carrying their luggage to the point of lugging it around when they traveled. The invention of wheeled backpack is a real boon for travelers. Almost every trip you take will involve some sort of luggage and the type of trip will determine whether you carry a tote, laptop carry on, duffel bag or a full 5 piece set of luggage. Be it a weekend getaway trip or a 3 week safari in the jungle, wheeled backpack is always an essential part of your luggage. They are a great re fully line and also featu re A backpack cooler is ideal for those who engage in activities such as hiking, camping, attending or playing in sporting events and picnicking that require food and drink to be kept at a certain temperature but need the ability to carry and transport it easily and conveniently. The exterior of backpack coolers are typically made of nylon or polyester with an insulated interior made of a waterproof or water resistant material. A lightweight, functional backpacTheres something magical about family picnics and outdoor fun activities; something that makes the spirit soar and adds flavor to everything shared. Maybe its the revitalizing fresh air or the alluring blue skies. Figure it out yourself come the next spring by spreading out a mat or quilt under a green shadowy tree and enjoy a great family picnic. To get started you will require the following cooler offers a perfect soul Demand for the Promotional Tote Bags is skyrocketing as more and more consumers recognize the impact of dis posable plastic grocery bags on the environment. Too, several communities have already banned use of plastic grocery bags in a trend which is likely to continue. With a wide selection of reusable totes at varying price points there are great options available for a variety of promotions from affordable giveaway to formal gifts. Thats why reusable. Star wars backpack Do you need a bag that will be able to help you get around whether it is while you are traveling, hiking or just walking around town? Dakine backpacks are always a great choice for anyone who is looking for a stylish, yet comfortable way to bring all of their necessary items with them. Dakine backpacks come in an array of styles so depending on what you are looking for, you will be able to find the right kind of bag just for your style needs. Below is a list of Mozambiques top destinations, click on the link to view all details and tours. our can carry in comfort and style. If you enjoy cold drinks or fishing, then there is a good reason why you should chuck out the cooler box and get a cooler backpack. This sort of backpack now comes in a variety of colors, designs and sizes so you can even choose one that most suit your lifestyle. It does not even look like a cooler but just like any regular backpack. Functional yet versatile, school backpacks have now become an essential accessory for school going kids. These school backpacks now come in beautiful designs featuring cartoon characters as well as floral prints in bold and bright colors which truly express a childs personality. These backpacks range in color, material, weight and size and are just right for kids and adults of all ages. They are multi-utility bags that besides keeping books, assignments and other school articles organized. A backpack cooler is ideal for those who engage in activities such as hiking, camping, attending or playing in sporting events and picnicking that require food and drink to be kept at a certain temperature but need the ability to carry and transport it easily and conveniently. The exterior of backpack coolers are typically made of nylon or polyester with an insulated interior made of a waterproof or water resistant material. A lightweight, functional backpack cooler offers a perfect solution. The tulips are blooming in the backyard. Spring is here. Spring is the season for new beginnings, and for spending more time outdoors. Every season has its own characteristic gifts. While Easter is the most significant holiday in early spring, there are other gifting occasions besides this holiday. This article provides some spring gift ideas below. kelty backpacks Finding the perfect kids backpack for your child has now become a lot easier with the existence of our site, where there is a compilation of all the finest kids backpack collections out there from most of the famed bag-designers in the market today for you to choose and select from! Choose from absolutely outstanding designers that have decades of experience in the field of bag-making such as Coleman, the North Face, Kelty, Roxy, Camlback and others as you seek for the ideal backpack that would sadie.backhurst | Backpacks used by soldiers are known as load carrying systems. The different systems have developed from countless researches, after plenty changes have been made to them and after years of experience with load carrying systems. There are three major load carrying systems that are used in the United States military Pack your gears; its time to travel. Whether its for mountaineering, light traveling, long distance trips, commuting, backpacking, skiing or for school; you can a lways rely on The North Face for backpacks that are high in quality, functional and durable. The North Face backpacks have been engineered using proprietary technologies, only to give you the best packs to fit your needs and gears. Credit goes to the two hiking enthusiasts, Douglas Tompkins and Kenneth Hap Klopp, the founders and Cycling is a wonderful way to blow off a little steam or relax on a nice, sunny Saturday. A lot of people are extremely into cycling as a sport and buy all kinds of fancy gear to try and make their ride better, faster and more comfortable. Whether you are a diehard cyclist or just a weekend rider, one piece of equipment that is essential to any cyclist is a bag for your bike where you can keep necessary items.There are all sorts of different bags available for purchase that can hold just It may surprise you to know that most often tactical equipment is not conceptualized by scientists or engineers, but rather by those with the highest level of expertise, t o wit, people who themselves are or have been in law enforcement or the armed forces. These are the types of people who develop expertise by having used the gear that is out there and know what is needed out in the field. One example is Blackhawk Tactical. This company was founded by an operative in the Special Forces who found When searching for a store to meet your tactical equipment needs, you want to find one that not only carries good, quality gear, but also one that has a high quantity of different types and brands. The types of items that a decent tactical gear store should carry include belts, boots, battering rams, flashlights, knives, tactical holsters with packs, vests, shooting mats, medical gear, hydration packs, and drop leg pouches. They should also carry a wide variety of accessories, such as clothing, chest and eye protection, armor, duffel bags to carry the equipment, weapons, shoes, gloves, equipment for outdoor protection, and other things of that nature. When sh opping for this type of gear, look to ensure it has been approved by either an authorized establishment or the government. Overall, you want to see a wide variety of gear with many options to choose from within each category. You can also search online for the type of gear you wish to procure so you canomparison shop before even stepping foot into a store. Most of the best, well-reputed tactical impend companies also have a customer help line that you can call and receive advice on the best type of equipment to use for specific uses and how to use it. Tactical equipment critically geared towards police officers focuses on the needs of officers while in pursuit of a manual suspect, investigating and preventing criminal activity and riot and crowd control. As police officers typically need such gear as flashlights and flashlight holders, batons and baton holders and gun holsters. Police officers also use tactical vests, gloves, special hydration systems, and tactical goggles. The tactical vest worn by police officers serves not only as a backpack, but also as body armor. It can even be used to store extermination, water, or other small items that the officer may need to keep handy. Tactical equipment is ess ential for police officers and military personnel to carry out their duties safely and effectively. Not only does this gear protect civilians from harm, but it also helps ensure that police officers and soldiers are safe from serious injury or death. With so many companies out in the market today making and distributing tactical gear. Toddler backpacks If your child has just turned two he or she will probably think that they are completely independent now. A good way to encourage them and to plan some fun in the park is to buy them a backpack. It is important to choose the correct back pack for your toddler or you may find that you end up carrying it! Firstly the backpack must not be too long. You do not want to have the backpack pulling down or getting in the way on the slide (you may find that your child is not always willing to take off their new back pack once you get to the park!).Secondly it is important that you cannot fit too much in their back pack. There will be days when your toddler will want to take their entire car or doll collection out with them, if the back pack is fairly small then they will realize that not everything will fit into it and hence will learn to limit their park toys. Keeping it practical is an important part of everything to do with a toddler. You can guarantee that your toddler will want to carry their own picnic snacks so make sure that your toddlers backpack is easy to clean. It needs to be lined so you can just wipe out the inside. It is also probably a good idea to avoid the fabric outer layered ones as these get wet and waterlogged, and the mud sticks firmly to them. Now comes the really difficult choice what should your toddlers backpack have on it? Well, be warned that if you go for a recognized childrens character such as Noddy or Spiderman there is the chance that you child will decide that they no longer like this character and then they will want a new backpack! If you choose something more general such as a fireman bag, or a bag which is quite plain and you can pretend it is whatever you want it to be; one day it can be Dora the Explorers bag, the next day it can be Diegos backpack; it can be a doctors bag, whatever you child thinks of, you can pretend it is. Finally you need to make sure that you dont end up carrying your toddlers bag. Toddlers learn all the t ime from copying, so the more respect you give an item the more respect your child will give it. It might be a fun idea to give your toddler an old mobile phone which is no longer in use (remember to take out the battery for safety), and a key ring with an old key on it. Then when you are leaving home you can run through a check list; my bag, my keys, my phone; your bag, your keys, your phone. By doing this together he will see how important your bag is and will hopefully place a similar importance on his own bag. Now you are ready to head out together. If you are going on a long bus or train journey, I found it useful to sometimes hide a little present in the bottom of the bag, so just when it is all getting boring and the other passengers are starting to stare, you can get your toddler to delve into their bag and find a special treat if this is wrapped up, it will take up even more of the journey while they open it! Jon Kelly is a published author who writes pieces on a variety o f diverse subjects. This includes articles about all aspects of rucksacks and backpacks. If you would like to get more ideas about backpacks. Skateboard backpacks Since the hover boards of the future will be larger and taller than traditional skateboards they will require a little more room to be stored. For kids using hover boards to go to high school or using them on college campuses to get to and from the dorms, apartments or their homes special changes will need to be made on their backpacks storage systems. A few hover board designs which had been kicked around at the online think tank discussed inflatable sections of the board. If parts of the hover board can be deflated then the hover board can rest in a sleeve on the back of a custom designed backpack similar to the ones that kids use to put their schoolbooks in. Once done with class the rider will have to re-inflate the hover board; this can be done by a couple of strategies. A small pump mechanism can be incorporated into the backpack and solar powered operating by battery. The small pump would be engaged after the hover board is turned on which will allow the airflow directed into the inflatable parts. This would fill up the hover board like a balloon (half-way), but additional air pressure will be needed to fully inflate. This is where the small pump mechanism comes in. The backpack storage device for the hover board will be an integral part for the rider. Skateboards are often put into a sleeve in special backpacks with Velcro straps. The hover board will follow this tradition with only an incremental change as needed. Those who designed backpacks for schoolbooks will also get into the hover board backpack carrying business. Currently there are several patents for backpacks that hold skateboards and if you go into any skateboard shop you can see the current designs and models; these will all be changing as the number of hover boards increases into the market. There are even some inexpensive skateboard holding designs at Wal-Mart. The market potential for hover boards is most likely about 35 million users in the United States alone. Much of this will be determined by cost and efficient cease of economies of scale in manufacturing, along with current economic conditions. Accessories for hover boards will be as common as accessories for new iPods, BMX racing bikes or ATVs. There will also be new attire, safety gear and the incorporation of communication systems within the hover board available online in Internet Stores and in specialty skateboard, hover board and surfing shops. Net centrically speaking the backpack will be an integral part of hover board use in future society. -Childrens backpacks It can be difficult choosing the right rucksack for your kid therefore you should become aware of the wide ranging possibilities that you may pay for. It can be of utmost importance that we all give our kids with the right kind of backpack as befits what their ages are. Exactly what specifications should an individual pick? Exactly what color? Might the backpack be one with added wheels or simply a plain dual strap rucksack? Do you notice that a majority of young children are always in a hurry and most of the time they simply dispose of almost all their textbooks and stuff in their carriers, throw it across their sensitive backs then move out of the door? Selecting a bad kids school bags could cause them to have considerable spinal injuries and posture troubles. When utilizing school bags for kids, both shoulder straps should be used to disperse the weight of the load equally towards the shoulders. Make sure you get a backpack which includes numerous pockets to balance out the pressure on all sides. It can be harmful to lug weight that the physique is unable to tolerate so confine the weight you place on those backpacks for young people. Doctors advise that a childrens backpack need to be restricted to 15-20% of their total bodyweight. The backpack also needs to look eye-catching, fashionable and pleasing to the child. You may even choose one with large, padded straps which will not dig directly into your kids shoulder blades. Yet another alternative is a backpack on little wheels. But guarantee that the kids school allows the utilization of one. Spending some time to carry out a little shopping around before purchasing a book bag is worthy of the expense. With the new school year just beginning it seems appropriate to discuss the problem ma ny of our children are experiencing as a result of their backpacks. Textbooks, homework and other supplies place a heavy load on our childrens backs which can cause back pain during the school year and may progress to chronic back pain later in life. In 1998 the United States reported that over 12,700 children between the ages of 5-18 went to the emergency room to seek help for backpack related injuries. The reason is quite simple. Our children are carrying more weight than their bodies can handle. Carrying too much weight is a greater concern for a child than for an adult because as children grow their muscles, skeleton and brain learn from each other how to move. The abnormal positions required to carry an overloaded backpack become thought, by the body, to be normal, when in fact they are quite detrimental to our childs physical development. If a backpack weighs more than 25% of a childs body weight problems with balance precipitate injuries simply when climbing stairs or opening up doors. Waterproof backpacks Do you love the outdoors? Do you enjoy activities like camping, hiking, trekking, fishing and biking? Do you engage in adventurous sports? Does taking a break for you mean, packing your bags and heading to the countryside, river side or mountainside? Then what you really need to invest in is a waterproof backpack. Waterproof bags are a must for all outdoor lovers. They help shield electronic gadgets like cameras, torches, iPods and also protect food supplies and other essentials from getting wet. They come in waterproof materials ranging from polyurethane-coated nylon to waterproof tarpaulin. A thick lining on the inside gives complete waterproof guarantee to the users. When one embarks on adventurous trips, there could be a possibility of a sudden weather change like a thunder storm, a hailstorm or even a downright downpour. At such times a waterproof bag is like a blessing in disguise. It protects your clothes and travel items from damage. When you are on an expedition, you are pro bably cut off from stores where you can usually purchase supplies. It is therefore essential to protect ones belongings and waterproof backpacks help to do just that. Electronic items are high value items and can easily be damaged by the slightest exposure to moisture. The waterproof fabric of such backpacks protects against moisture from entering the bag, thus providing complete security and cover for your valuable goods. You can even cross a river without having to worry about your belongings if you are equipped with a waterproof bag. Waterproof backpacks come with airtight zippers that ensure watertight protection. If thrown in water they can stay afloat thereby preventing even a drop of water from seeping through. They have broad padded straps and a waist strap that helps distribute the weight of the luggage in the most comfortable manner. Most waterproof backpacks have a soft exterior which makes it comfortable to carry along. Some bags are customized with waterproof camera com partments and a special compartment for the tripod stand of the camera. This gives your camera a 100% protection against any water. If you are carrying any liquids in the bag and accidentally spilled it, waterproof backpacks will prevent it from leaking out and eBay have a great selection of waterproof backpacks. They can be purchased online and will be shipped to your destination. Many adventure sports stores also offer these products. So grab your waterproof backpacks now and go wild! Backpacks with wheels I had not thought that a backpack with wheels would in fact work for backpacking, unitl I visited web site of Jansport, I was really impressed. You put on a frame that binds you to a wheeled backpack. You can even move through logs and rocks with it. I wondered about what may other backpacking ideas are in waiting to be exposed. Here are some more attractions that I came up with. Accept these ideas, please. With backpacks without frame we have to put folded sleeping pads in the backpack for pillowing against our backs and put some support for picking the load. A new idea is to have the part of the backpack that inflates against the users back. The same technology is used for lower weight auto-inflating sleeping pads, it would only add about a bit to the weight. The backpack could then also serve as a foot-bag / foot-pad for resting. Further enhancing this idea of back-with-wheels, I envisage an auto-inflating backpack that unfolds into a rest- pad. The frame of the backpack would ser ve as a U shaped pad, with desired rigidity in the pack, too. Auto-inflating resting or sleeping bag pads hardly weigh approx 15-ounce now while frame less packs measure approx 12-ounce or more, so a perfect combination of two can be achieved in just 20-ounce of total weight. Besides plastics, backpacking food bags are now available in Wax-paper packaging, too. Now as wax paper easily burn even when they are wet, these packages serve two-times more as fire-starters in emergency. If you have to carry more water than usual, you can take a plastic bladder from boxed wine. They are low-weight, robust, and you can inflate them with air to use as a pillow when needed. All you need is a remove its soft removable covering to use a two-in-one water container/pillow. Although it is not a backpack-with wheels item, another portable backpack idea is a frame-less jacket with backpack arrangements. It can be unfolded in a way that reveals normal shoulder straps. When used as jacket, it would alle viate the pack to keep you warm and cozy. It would also make it easy to pass through heavy brushes, as it does not catch on other stuffs easily. It experiences same as putting on a large jacket over a backpack, but with low-weight and stable utility that come with the combination. It is better known as a Pack-it Jack-et. For those are full with gaming and want to walk with gaming arrangements along, may print a chess or checkers board or some other game on a jacket or backpack, and carry you game along without extra care or concern. It serves a great time-pass arrangement when you have to spend hours in the tent in a rainy time. No need to bother about pieces, you can always use stones or pine as checkers, in stead. My mind is brimming up with innovative backpacking ideas as I write this article on backpack with wheels. Most of these ideas are items with two-in-one combinations. You may like some of them and ma
Treatments for Type 1 Diabetes
Treatments for Type 1 Diabetes Type 1 Diabetes, which normally called as juvenile onset or Insulin-Dependent Diabetes Mellitus (IDDM) are usually appear during childhood, teenage years, or early adulthood(7,8). In the Islet cell of pancreas, Beta makes insulin. It is an autoimmune disease meaning that immune system will destroys beta cell, hence insulin cannot be produced. As a result the cells in our bodies will not be able to process the glucose and therefore have no energy for movement (21) . Moreover, the glucose is unable to be transferred from bloodstream to the cells and the glucose level will increase in the blood compared to normal. Main symptoms include blurred vision, passing urine more often than usual and unusual thirst(8). The problem Diabetes was the seventh leading cause of death listed on U.S. death certificates in 2006. This ranking is based on the 72,507 death certificates in 2006 in which diabetes was listed as the underlying cause of death (11). Moreover, IDDM cannot be prevented as it mostly inherited by the parent cell as the research said if you have a family member with Type 1 Diabetes, your risk is about five to six percent, compared to the risk in general population which is 0.4%(2). Hence what are possible treatments to replace the insulin to minimise the rise of glucose level in the blood? (248 words) A POSSIBLE SOLUTION Insulin pump therapy Insulin pump is a small mechanical device, a little larger than a pager that is worn outside the body, often on a belt or in a pocket (13). It will deliver insulin through cannula on the infusion site and the patients have to decide how much insulin will be given as it is not automatic. Nipro Diabetes Systems Amigo OmniPod Insulin Management System The goal of insulin pump therapy is to imitate the insulin secretion pattern which can be seen in people without diabetes. Two patterns released by insulin are: Basal insulin is insulin that is delivered continuously in small amounts. Bolus insulin, which is extra dosed insulin released for controlling the glucose level after taking meals (2). (388 words) Standard bolus indicates insulin is pumped completely and diffuses at the onset of bolus. Spike shape was pumped which expected to act the fastest possible for that kind of insulin. Hence, they must take meals which contain high carb and low protein and fat in order to lowers the blood sugar levels quickly. Extended bolus represents the spreading of insulin over time by slow infusion. By pumping square wave shape, the bolus is avoiding a high initial dose of insulin entering the blood causing low blood sugar level before digestion. Therefore, they should take more high fat high protein meals such as steak, which will be raising blood sugar for many hours past onset of the shape. Figure is a combination bolus of spike shape and square wave shape (12).Combo bolus.JPG This will give larger dose of insulin at first and extent the tails of insulin action. As a result, those who have combination bolus are appropriate for high fat meals such as pizza and chocolate cake. (608 words) This method can increase the spike bolus action and extend the action for several hours. Thus, super bolus people must take certain foods (like sugary breakfast cereals) which cause a large post-prandial peak of blood sugar. It attacks the blood sugar peak with the fastest delivery of insulin that can be practically achieved by pumping. In the year 2009, about 1119 pumpers are recorded in United State and this is the one of the solution for mimicking the production of insulin in the body. The age group ranging from 0 to 20 shows the highest user of insulin pump; hence it is proven that diabetes type 1 usually appear in childhood and teenage years. (767 words) Over the years, a number of different types and brands of insulin have been developed to meet different needs. SOCIAL AND ECONOMICAL IMPLICATIONS Katherine G who was diagnosed with diabetes and keep asking what had I done wrong? And wanted to smack every overweight person she saw. From Gretchen Becker The First Year Type 2 Diabetes copyright 2001(1). First and foremost, after being diagnosed as diabetic, some of them cannot accept the fact and take some time to mourn their loss. Some of them might fell depressed for example: In 2007, the world is estimated to spend at least USD 232 billion to treat and prevent diabetes and its complications. By 2025, this lower-bound estimate will exceed USD 302.5 billion. Source: also worried about the next generation as Type 1 Diabetes is inherited and get stress thinking about the complication of diabetes which cause them to use wheelchair because has no feet and also being wheeled in order to use the dialysis machine(1,5). They may lose their self esteem to face the world. Some might be under pressure as they have to be strict on their food intake and must follow the diet for diabetic. Moreover, they need to take a lot of medicine and also insertion. From this statement, I can concluded that diabetes is a highly cost disease. First and foremost, the insulin pump therapy itself is a very expensive and a lot of money spends for buying the insulin needed for pumping. Secondly, diabetes has long term complications which are dangerous for instance retinopathy, neuropathy and also kidney failure. They must use a lot of money in order to prevent these complications from spreading at their body. As we all know, not all diabetic people are wealth and they only depend on only one income source, hence can we imagine how they would survive with this disease especially those from the poorest countries and family. (15) (1307 words) BENEFIT AND RISK Advantages BEST hbA1cs before the pump The level of hbA1C decreases with an average of 6.3 after using the insulin pump compared to 7.2 before using the pump. The pumper users also show decreasing pattern from 725 to 713. So, the percentage of getting long-term complication for instance stroke, heart disease, blindness, kidney failure and also amputation can be lowered. (1383 words) Pumpers have been shown to experience lesser episodes of severe hypoglycaemia compared to people who take injections. Clinical studies shown that using fast acting insulin, the glucose control can be improved with less risk of hypoglycaemia (3,22). Moreover, the pumper can keep up-to-date with their daily schedule. They are flexible to move and free to do what they want for example they can keep on the pump during exercising in the evening. Insulin pumpers must change the infusion site about three times a week, and using about only 156 insertion a year but the injection can achieved mean more than 1,400 injection per year. (3,22) (1527 words) Disadvantages An episode of diabetic ketoacidosis state of inadequate insulin levels resulting in high blood pressure and accumulation of organic acids and ketones in the blood may take place if the pumpers do not receive sufficient amount of fast acting insulin for many hours. There is high risk of infection if the catheter site of cannula has not been changed every three days and also skin reactions such as rashes may appear at the site of cannula. This therapy is very expensive as pumps are high prices. By using insulin therapy, the society might know that you have diabetes since this is one of the popular ways to cure it (19) . Some of diabetic might develop blurring vision soon after starting insulin due to a change of lens refraction and it will correct itself within two to three weeks (3) . The picture 2 shows the process of forming of diabetic ketoacidosis. Source: (1669 words) ALTERNATIVE SOLUTIONS Exercising People, who exercise regularly, when compared to those who do not exercise, decrease their chance of developing diabetes by 30 to 50%. Exercise help by improving the bodys to use insulin and causes cholesterol level and blood pressure to drop (4). Aerobic exercise burns calories to help in managing the weight, strengthen the heart and lungs and gives endurance. In other word, it improves the bodys ability to use insulin and prevent diabetes. We must do warm up and cool down before and after exercising. Take at least 20 minutes and three times a week to exercise. Furthermore exercise can increase the uptake of glucose by muscles thus increase in carbohydrate intake. We must take enough carbohydrate before exercising but overdose of carbohydrate will results in hyperglycaemia. As diabetes, insulin must be sufficient before and after exercise because strenuous exercise and insufficient insulin will worsen diabetic control (5). Supplement vitamin and herbs Vitamin E helps dissolve fresh clot in veins and reduce the oxygen requirement of tissue and cell. Moreover, it also helps to from new skin (in healing the ulcer and burns) and increases the blood supply to tissue, thus reduces diabetes gangrene and amputations. Vitamin E reduces the need for insulin in 30% of diabetes (6). Biotin is B vitamin that functions in manufacture and use of carbohydrate, fat and amino acids. It enhances insulin sensitivity and increase the activity of enzyme glucokinase, enzyme responsible for the first step in the use of glucose in liver as this enzyme is low in diabetic. It also helps in the treatment of diabetic neuropathy (7). (1937 words) EVALUATIONS Through the years, we have introduced valuable solutions for patients and healthcare professionals-including continuous glucose monitoring (CGM), CareLinkà ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¾Ã‚ ¢ Therapy Management Software and the MiniMed Paradigm ® REAL-Time System, the worlds first integrated insulin pump and CGM System. Source: (22) From the book of Diabetes Demystified written by Masharani, M.D copyright 2008(2); provide us a brief about diabetes. It helps us to know well about diabetes and why they have this disease. Moreover, ways of taking care for diabetic people also included and it provides me with the chart and also graphs for better understanding. The information are also available in the other books (1,4,5,6,7,8).Hence the facts are reliable. However, the publishing date was 2008 and the information might not be updated. I believe this website; has given me reliable and factual data. This is because it is owned by Medtronic Minimed, Incoporation and has been updated the info this year, 2010. Furthermore, they had led the technology about insulin pump therapy for 25 years and pioneered it since 1983. It helps pumpers to understand better about good control, insulin pump therapy and why pump therapy rather than the other. (2168 words)
Saturday, July 20, 2019
Social Research Essay -- essays research papers
AISHA GITTENS-HIPPOLYTE Taking Two Of The Theoretical Approaches To Social Research Discussed In The Module, Demonstrate The Connections Between Their Ontological, Epistemological And Methodological Assumptions. Which Method Or Methods Would Proponents Of Each Theory Favour As A Result Of Their Assumptions. In order to understand the production of sociological knowledge one must first examine the thought processes that lay behind each piece of research. Before a particular subject matter is researched, the researcher firstly makes certain assumptions about that matter. These assumptions differ dependent on the theoretical approach that is taken. They can be divided into three logical areas, namely ontology, epistemology and methodology. Sociologists researchers first make ontological assumptions. That is to say, they decide what they are studying or what should be studied. They decide what the subject matter consists of and the meanings behind it. They must consider the social reality and the nature of being, in relation to the subject matter. Having satisfied this researchers then make epistemological assumptions surrounding the subject matter. They must decide on the type of evidence to be collected, considering which evidence will deliver optimum validity. They must decide which stance to take during research, objective or neutral, considering which would be possible or even favourable. They must then think about how this can be best achieved. Should the research be classified as 'scientific' or 'unscientific' and what determines this? Based on the preceding ontological and epistemological assumptions a researcher then makes methodological assumptions. Having decided on exactly what is to be studied the researcher then decides how the research can best be managed thus formulating a plan of action. Considerations include whether the research used should be primary or secondary. Whether one will test an existing hypothesis or whether one will construct a theory after having collated evidence. Finally one can draw conclusions as to which strategy to implement with the ultimate goal of producing the type of knowledge that is required. This then results in the type of method or methods of research to be used. To investigate this further I will discuss these assumptions and identify particular methods favoured in relation to two contrasting theories, ... ...ences and to raise any questions or issues that they may have. The research must be useful, ensuring that the reasons for the research are in the best interests of the oppressed and is necessary to bring about social change. Methods The methods favoured by standpoint theorists must give voice to the concerns of the oppressed. They must be able to be representative of those groups. This links this theory to qualitative methods such as in-depth interviewing or participant observation. These methods would allow the researcher to come into close contact with the subject and allow the subject's own point of view to be heard. Other methods can be used such as questionnaires, as long as they serve a useful purpose. As long they ultimately serve to improve the lives of the oppressed. Using two theoretical approaches to social research namely, Positivism and Standpoint theory, I have demonstrated implicit connections in their respective assumptions. The ontological, epistemological and methodical assumptions are all integral facets of the understanding of social research. Once these are understood one can then draw conclusions as to which type or types of methods are appropriate to use.
Friday, July 19, 2019
Management Information :: essays research papers fc
Planning for Management Information System Planning for Management Information System The biggest challenge and most critical success factor in reengineering projects are persuading the people within the organization to cooperate. When you begin to computerize a legacy system considers the advantages; reduced clerical cost, quicker processing time and improved customer service. Everyone knows that the computer capabilities alone make life a lot easier for all managers. The advantage of time and accuracy spread over the lifespan of the information system means improved long-term vision and focus for top, middle and lower managers. A management information system (MIS) focus is on information that management needs to prepare its job. This task becomes much more difficult when the major players have a tradition of high independence, are often confrontational to management, and are irreplaceable independent contractors. CIO's in major business organizations face exactly this situation; further complicated by the fact that the reengineering effort is crucial to the continued existence of the organization. Such discussion has driven the software industry to focus attention on software specifically designed to support the team approach essential to most service and customer oriented organizations. The importance of teamwork can not be over emphasize in achieving overall organizational goals, and the need to capture and manage an organization's knowledge base remain crucial. This teamwork enables the organization to achieve and sustain competitive advantage in their business. In considering the framework for an information system (IS) each level operational, tactical and strategic planning requires different IS. At the operational planning system, the IS collect, validate and record transactional data relating to acquisition or disbursement of resources. The data for account receivable and payables, payrolls, inventory level, shipping data, printed invoice and cash receipts recorded as they occur. The operational-level IS characteristic are repetitive, predictable, emphasizes the past and detailed in nature just to name a few. The focus of the operational system is the daily tasks performed at the user level. The operational level manager uses this data to check every day tasks, i.e. ordering, shipping, inventory control, the essence of the business processes. The second level in the framework is the tactical system. This system provide middle-level managers with information to monitor and control operation while allocating their resources efficiently. The data is summarized, aggregated, or analyzed with a wide range of reports, i.e., summary, exception and ah hoc reports. The tactical information system differs from Management Information :: essays research papers fc Planning for Management Information System Planning for Management Information System The biggest challenge and most critical success factor in reengineering projects are persuading the people within the organization to cooperate. When you begin to computerize a legacy system considers the advantages; reduced clerical cost, quicker processing time and improved customer service. Everyone knows that the computer capabilities alone make life a lot easier for all managers. The advantage of time and accuracy spread over the lifespan of the information system means improved long-term vision and focus for top, middle and lower managers. A management information system (MIS) focus is on information that management needs to prepare its job. This task becomes much more difficult when the major players have a tradition of high independence, are often confrontational to management, and are irreplaceable independent contractors. CIO's in major business organizations face exactly this situation; further complicated by the fact that the reengineering effort is crucial to the continued existence of the organization. Such discussion has driven the software industry to focus attention on software specifically designed to support the team approach essential to most service and customer oriented organizations. The importance of teamwork can not be over emphasize in achieving overall organizational goals, and the need to capture and manage an organization's knowledge base remain crucial. This teamwork enables the organization to achieve and sustain competitive advantage in their business. In considering the framework for an information system (IS) each level operational, tactical and strategic planning requires different IS. At the operational planning system, the IS collect, validate and record transactional data relating to acquisition or disbursement of resources. The data for account receivable and payables, payrolls, inventory level, shipping data, printed invoice and cash receipts recorded as they occur. The operational-level IS characteristic are repetitive, predictable, emphasizes the past and detailed in nature just to name a few. The focus of the operational system is the daily tasks performed at the user level. The operational level manager uses this data to check every day tasks, i.e. ordering, shipping, inventory control, the essence of the business processes. The second level in the framework is the tactical system. This system provide middle-level managers with information to monitor and control operation while allocating their resources efficiently. The data is summarized, aggregated, or analyzed with a wide range of reports, i.e., summary, exception and ah hoc reports. The tactical information system differs from
Human Resource Management can Improve the Competitive Ability of Busine
Human Resource Management can Improve the Competitive Ability of Business The starting point for a human resource strategy is the organisations strategic plan. A workforce must be put in place which provides departments with the correct number of appropriately skilled employees to accomplish targets in all departments. In order to achieve this, the likely demand for products or services must be anticipated and the future implications for recruitment and training considered. Effective communication between departments is vital if this approach is to succeed. For example: Â · The marketing department can supply estimates of future demand. Â · Operations management can detail the level of skill needed to produce the goods. Â · Human resources can then recruit or fire people in line with the new requirements identified. Â · Training may also need to send people on courses if the skill mix of employees is inappropriate. Workforce planning is therefore an integrated process. It requires an overview of the whole operation of the business. In order to use human resources successfully to create a competitive advantage, the future position of the firm must be considered. A workforce must be put in place which will allow the strategic plan of the business to be put into effect. The main benefits of creating a human resource strategy are: Â · To put the appropriate employee mix to allow the organisation to achieve its aims and objectives. Â · To communicate the culture of the busi...
Thursday, July 18, 2019
Problems Encountered in Ojt in Hotel and Restaurant
Research title for hotel and restaurant management: â€Å"PERCEPTION OF CUSTOMERS ON THE QUALITY OF FOOD SERVICES OFFERED BY SELECTED RESTAURANT†The researcher choose bar and grill as a food service establishment that they will use in determining. The service quality it provides because many of the restaurant found in Bulacan is bar and grill. The service quality of some of the bar and grill restaurants found in Bulacan has been observed to be poor and unsatisfying to other customers. The causes must be found on the remedial measures may be done.The researcher will use the SERVQUAL instrument developed by Mr. Eduardo Castro of College of Engineering in Bulacan state University.THE CURRENT BUSINESS STATUS OF THE RECOVERY ROOM RESTAURANT AND BAR : AN ASSESSMENTThis study focused on the analysis of the current business status of the recovery room restaurant and bar. It is primarily to develop innovative management policies and new marketing strategies that should be done and implement to improve the operations management of the establishment.This also aime to improve the current business status of the recovery room restaurant an d bar to achieve customer loyalty, to achieve total customer satisfaction, to boost productivity among their employees, to assume financial stability and to boost sales and beat the competitions. The respondents of the are the recovery room restaurant and bar top management level, personnel and customers. THE ACCEPTABILITY OF DOUGHNUT ON A STICK AS A HEALTHY STREET FOOD OPTIONThe focus of the study was to determine the acceptability of donut on a stick as a healthy-street food option.The respondents of the study were the students of all school level like nursery, elementary, highschool and college. The selection was done at random basis. Other respondents were passer’s by that includes parents, instructors or professor and other individual that were not classified as students to assure how effective and efficient the study was the respondents were also the customers who bought the doughnuts from 10:00 in the morning up to 5:00 in the afternoon which was important in evaluatin g the product.ASSESSMENT OF TRAINEES COMPETENCIES This study focused on the local training fifty students trainees of Bachelor of Science in Hotel and Restaurant Management at Bulacan State University. The aspect to be studied was limited to the competencies of the trainees during their local on the job training. The respondents of the study were fifty students from Hotel and Restaurant Management course at Bulacan State University, City of Malolos, Bulacan batch 2010-2011 who have undergone local training. COMPARATIVE ANALYSIS OF THE TECHNICAL SKILLS AND MANAGEMENT COMPETENCIES OF HRM AND NON-HRM GRADUATES EMPLOYED IN SELECTED HOTELS IN BULACANThe study evaluated the technical skills and management competencies of HRM and NON-HRM graduates employed in selected hotel in Bulacan. It examined the amount of training that should be provided in college and industry. The study attempted to learn the responsibility of the school in equipping their students with skill-building opportuinitie s so their students can compete effectively in the hospitality industry.Problems Encountered By The Hotel And Restaurant Management Practicums In Their On-the-Job-Training Customer Service One of the main issues that management has to face in the hotel and restaurant industry is dealing with difficult customers. Dealing with these customers takes patience, finesse, and knowing what steps are possible for management to take. A manager usually has the power to provide a free meal, entree, or even to comp a room for a night for a guest when there is a difficult problem.The manager has to know what is appropriate given the current situation. For example, a customer who finds glass in their food expects that meal to be replaced and to be free. A person may also expect a hotel room to be free for at least one night if there was a problem with the room's plumbing, the reservation or something similar. It is the job of the manager to placate the person correctly and solve the problem withou t giving too many free items away. Maintenance problems Maintenance problems can often arise with hotel and restaurant management.On the job training in a practicum situation may see an issue arise with the plumbing or there may be other issues with regards to maintenance. One would have to figure out how to solve the issue appropriately and quickly to ensure no loss of customers and minimal after effects. * Food and timing The timing of food being ordered and delivered to the table can be a problem that comes up in a practicum because restaurants get busy and the chefs have to keep up. When they do not, or if food arrives at the table cold, a manager has to solve the issue with the employees and placate the customer.
Wednesday, July 17, 2019
Academic Performance and Use of Electronic Gadgets Essay
Development in the world is expanding to freshly levels. Let it be everything, technology has do things more knowledgeable and convenient. Today, the world has moody into a world of electronic doojiggers. The electronic gad stands ask advanced in dissimilar ways. Today, you go forth bugger off gadgets that fulfill your terrestrial needs. These gadgets post be eitherthing from a cuneus to a camcorder to a laptop.The origins of the word gadget trace back to the 19th century. tally to the Oxford English Dictionary, there is anecdotal consequence for the put on of gadget as a placeholder name for a technical item whose precise name virtuoso cant remember since the 1850s with Robert embrowns 1886 book Spunyarn and Spindrift, A leghorn boys log of a voyage out and home in a China tea-clipper containing the earliest know usage in print. These can be given as gifts to boys as substantially(p) as girls. You can gift a play station or any game to a school sack boy on his birthday or any occasion. A college going boy can be gifted a laptop or a apt cam, whichever is important and functionful to him. Videos ar not only created for college projects only if, today they can as well as be created during family or friends. Get-togethers or close to family functions.They store family memories for years which can be watched whenever you feel manage watching them. thingamabobs like cellular phones are utilise on a daily basis to put across with your near and dear ones. You can likewise gift it to them. In the software program industry, Gadget refers to computer programs that provide services without needing an self-sufficient application to be launched for each one, but instead run in an environs that manages multiple gadgets. There are some(prenominal) implementations based on existing software development techniques, like JavaScript, form input, and diverse image formats It is on this situation that the detective was intended to conduct an investigation to unwrap the perception of secondary students round the office of electronic gadgets, the advantages, discriminates and kernels as well. instruction of the ProblemThe main purpose of this sphere is to determine the faculty member procedure and character of electronic gadgets among secondary students of CSULS S.Y 2012-2013. In addition, the advantages, disadvantage and effectiveness of these problems were also determined. This is done by means of descriptive survey using questionnaire to be serve welled by students of CSULS. Specifically, the survey will set the following questions1. What is the profile of CSULS students in scathe ofa. Ageb. Genderc. Year and plane sectiond. academic feate. Monthly Income2. What are the different electronic gadgets that are employ by CSULS students? 3. Does the frequent office of electronic gadgets affects and influences students pedanticianian public presentation? 4. Is there any relationship between the profile and the pleasant of electronic gadget used by CSULS students?Significance of the StudyThe result of this query call for determined the academic performance and the use of electronic gadgets among secondary students of CSULS S.Y 2012- 2013. In that way, one will have an paper on what teenage cartridge shall he/she use.The Parents, this research would tell them on what crabbed electronic gadgets brings usefulness and harm to their children. The Students, themselves will know on what electronic magazine shall be a help and a hindrance for their academic performance.The Researcher, this research memorize will aid the students and the parents as well on the limitations of use of electronic gadgets. mise en scene and DelimitationsThe study is conducted to determine the academic performance and use of electronic gadgets among secondary students of Catanduanes take University testing ground Schools. From Grade-7 to Fourth year students SY 2012-2013.It focuses chiefly on the perce ption of secondary students about the use of teenage magazine during empty times. It comprises 8 sections namely 7-Amethyst, 7-Pearl, II- Chrysanthemum, II-Daffodils, III- Platinum, III- Gold, IV- Einstein, IV- Galileo.The demographic characteristics include in this research are age, gender, year, and section, academic performance and monthly income.Definition of harm* Gadget- the main factor of this study that affects academic performance * CSULS- school where the study was cogitate* Respondent the one who will answer the study* Academic Performance- performances shown by students regarding academic matters. (Quizzes, Periodic Test, Recitation, etc)* Secondary Students- scope of the study* CSU Lab Students referring to all officially enrolled students of CSU Laboratory SchoolCHAPTER 2REVIEW OF cogitate LITERATURE & STUDIESREADINGS* Nabisunsa Girls School no phones thanksgiving Kitego, a teacher at Nabisunsa Girls School, says they do not set aside students to carry rambling phones because they distract students and impact negatively on their academic performance* Kiira College Butiki confiscatedIsaac Tibasima, a teacher at Kiira College Butiki, says the school does not allow students to carry ready phones because they increase the try of moral decay.* Vienna College times transfigureVienna College offers both local and external education curriculums and has an enrolment of both Ugandan and foreign students. Mohammed Kakiika, the headmaster, says they have no pick but to accept their students to carry mobile phones to school since they are a emergency for communication.LITERATURECellphones Affect Academic PerformanceBy Michael Kanaabi and Vicky WandawaA study was conducted by Kanaabi and Wandawa on Aug. 3, 2010 that cellularphones affects the academic performance of students. This study indicates that cellular phones is a huge astonishment to ones attention oddly on school hours. Thus, some schools prohibits the use and bringing their cellphon es at school. Some of them use phones to call examiners and other students who may have access to examination papers. This is common during national, regional and district examinations. This causes panic and confusion among students because they get varying information from different sources and on many occasions, focus on rewrite the wrong way, thus failing.Conceptual modelingThis study is anchored with the theory that those secondary students frequence of usage of electronic gadgets of the said sections has an effect on each of their academic performances. This can be proven in their perceptions used as the independent variable and the academic performance as dependent variable. purpose 1THE CONCEPTUAL PARADIGM free VARIABLE DEPENDENT VARIABLEAcademic PerformanceFrequency of usage of electronic gadgetsHYPOTHESESThere is no significant residual between the academic performance and use of electronic gadgets of secondary students of CSULS S.Y 2012-2013.RESEARCH bodThe study will use the longitudinal survey design in its movement to determine, describe and analyze the relationship of each. It tries to find out if the independent variable significantly influences the dependent variable.ReferencesDiCaprio, N. (1976). The good life models for a healthy personality. Englewood Cliffs, NJ Prentice Hall, Inc. Elizabeth. (2004, July). real number Pretty Letter to the editor. Seventeen, 014. Hager, S. E. (1998). Using self-esteem as a concept for guiding premature adolescent females toward healthy eating behaviors A learning module. (Unpublished Masters of Science thesis, lucre State University, 1998). McFarland, R. (1988). Coping through self-esteem. invigorated York The Rosen Publishing Group, Inc. Media sensation Network. (2004). Beauty and clay image in the media. Retrieved November 9, 2004, from http// incline/issues/stereotyping/women_and_girls/women_beauty.cfm. Media Awareness Network. (2004). Masculinity and advertising. Retriev ed November 9, 2004, from http// Media Awareness Network. (2004). Media and girls. 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