Wednesday, November 27, 2019
Marketing Objectives free essay sample
Marketing objectives define what you want to accomplish through your marketing activities. There are several important factors to consider when establishing effective marketing objectives. When setting objectives it is very important to ensure that your objectives are; specific, measurable, achievable, realistic and time specific, or SMART for short. The SMART approach allows you to effectively manage your marketing activities and importantly be able to determine how successful they have been and whether they have delivered the particular benefits sought. SMART Approach = Setting specific, measurable, achievable, realistic and time specific objectives The SMART approach is explained to Illustrate how you address each area achieve the set objective. * Specific are your objectives stated In a way that Is precise about what you are hoping to achieve? * Measurable Can you quantify each objective, I. E. Can you use a unit of measure such as market share In percentage or dollars or other to provide a way to check your level of success?Achievable Are your objectives reasonable In terms of what you can actually achieve or are you setting your sights too high? Realistic Do you have sufficient employees and resources to achieve the objectives you have set, if you dont then they are likely to be unrealistic? * Time specific When are you hoping to achieve these objectives, you need to define a timing plan with target timing for each specific objective? * Clearly defined objectives may also provide direction for your employees in terms of wh at to achieve and in what period. We will write a custom essay sample on Marketing Objectives or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page
Sunday, November 24, 2019
Crash Film Essay Example
Crash Film Essay Example Crash Film Essay Crash Film Essay The principal job of any film should be to please its viewers. To what extent do you agree with this view? 1: Engage: Relationship between Christine and Officer Ryan. Not pleasing, in fact very uncomfortable but demonstrates how people affect each other. Craft: Dialogue – Not you – anyone but you†¦ Close ups on Christine’s face when she’s being abused, close ups on John’s face looking angry then the hand held camera, increasing tension, slow motion, canted angle shots, hero shot Evaluate: This relationship is intense and very angry†¦ viewer left unsatisfied as to how we are supposed to feel about him but this is very intelligent on behalf of the director 2: Engage: Officer Hansen, who has been a sympathetic ‘good’ figure shoots a man because of fear. It is not pleasing but reminds us how quick we are to judge. Craft: Two shot of Ryan and Hansen – the dark and the light (juxtaposition of good and evil) sets us up. Dialogue : When you’ve been in the job for as long as I have you’ll look at things differently. Film structure – flash back, starts off with a death but ends in a murder. We expect one of the bad men to have done it. Evaluate: Director does not please us but shows us that there is a fine line between good and evil and that good men do stupid things. 3: Engage: On the other hand, the relationship between Daniel and his daughter is pleasing. It takes what could otherwise be a very bleak movie and gives it a satisfying edge. We like that he loves her so much. Craft: Dialogue: â€Å"your amigo in there is going to sell our keys to one of his homeys†costume, baggy jeans, tattoos. Symbolism – the invisible cape protecting her is symbolic of his hopes and dreams for his daughter and what he will do to protect her. Evaluate: is pleasing because gives us hope. Even though his life is hard the love he has for his daughter and the fact they magically don’t get shot and killed is like the spoonful of sugar that makes the other home truths more palatable. I do not believe that the principal job of a film is to be pleasing to its audience. While there are genres of films that do this, slapstick male bonding fraternity movies, cookie cutter romantic comedies or slasher flicks, not all films are purely for entertainment and some of the best films are confronting, disturbing or thought provoking: definitely not pleasing. Paul Haggis’ â€Å"Crash†sits somewhere between the two. It stirs up emotions and shows us hard truths about ourselves; the good guy doesn’t necessarily win in the end, but there are elements of careful scripting and sweet storylines that keep the audience happy so as not to alienate them from the message the director is trying to show. The most uncomfortable scene in the movie is when Officers Ryan and Hansen pull over the Thayers on their way home from a night out. Ryan, a character who is made out to be a racist, misogynistic man, takes his own personal frustrations out on Christine (a wealthy black woman) by sexually interfering with her on the side of the road in front of her husband and his partner. Neither Christine nor her husband had done anything to deserve this treatment and her husband just stood and watched, feeling impotent and frightened that if he protested he would be arrested. The emotional fallout from this incident, with Christine justifiably feeling like she had been sacrificed for her husband’s safety and __________ carrying the anger of a man who had to stand helpless while his mate was abused, nearly cost them their marriage and started them thinking about what life is really like for black people. THis interaction between John Ryan and Christine becomes even more upsetting during the climactic, central ‘Crash’ scene when Ryan has to save Christine from a car about to explode. She doesn’t want to be touched by him, even to save her life, which shows him how much of an impact he has had on her life. While Ryan does pull her from the car and risk his life to do so, the audience isn’t given a satisfying resolution for their brief relationship. The scene ends with Ryan on his knees is a pose of supplication while Christine is led off for medical attention. There are looks exchanged between the two but no dialogue that gives us closure. We don’t know if she has forgiven him, if he has realised what he has really done and will change his ways, or if she is now determined to press charges. This lack of resolution is not pleasing to a modern audience as we prefer all our lose ends tied up. There was a lot of intervention by the director in order to show this relationship and also to leave it open ended. From their first meeting we were set up to feel sympathetic to Christine and revile Ryan. While this is familiar and therefore largely pleasing to an audience (to hate the bad guy and feel sorry for the poor abused woman) there is a feeling of having the rug pulled out from underneath you when the relationship isn’t resolved. In the abuse scene the lighting is kept dark and the scene is lit largely by streetlights. This gives an appropriately sombre air. The camera tracks Ryan’s hands as he fondles Christines body, a technique that fills most viewers with uncomfortable revulsion. Luckily the camera pulls away from her body as Ryan gets worse but it then closely focuses on her face as she is entered by him. The expression on her face shows anger, hurt, desperation and fear. The camera then cuts to a close up on Ryan’s face. He just looks angry. The juxtaposition between the two gives the audience a feeling of intruding on a private moment, of being a voyeur who doesn’t want to watch but can’t turn away. We just hope it gets better. That horrible feeling of uncomfortable voyeurism returns in the crash scene when Christine realises it is Ryan that is in the car with her and trying to save her. She panics and even though the camera is at a canted angle and handheld, because we are positioned to see her from Ryan’s point of view we can see the terror on her face. The shock is that the terror is over Ryan, not the prospect of dying. The feeling of displeasure intensifies after Christine and Ryan are out of the car and on their way to safety. We are again positioned from Ryan’s point of view as the camera action slows down and we get a lingering shot of Christine’s face as she is leaning on an ambulance officer. She l ooks hurt and confused. To end the scene there is a ‘hero shot’ of Ryan on his knees. The use of this shot is trying to position us to believe that Ryan is redeemed but the lack of verbal discussion leaves the incident unresolved and unfinished. The director leaves us to make up our own minds about Ryan’s guilt or innocence and this is not a pleasurable feeling – it is thought provoking and open to interpretation. This relationship is a very powerful one but it is not pleasing. The director trusts the audience to come to their own conclusion which is very intelligent on his part but does not make for easy viewing. It is this intense but brief snapshots of people’s foibles and the search into their inner workings that make the film worth viewing but it is uncomfortable when our own prejudices are held up for scrutiny. Ryan’s partner, Hansen is set up to be the opposite of Ryan. Not only does he look like the stereotypical hero, with his blonde hair, impressive physique and big blue eyes (compared to Ryan’s darkness) but he is horrified by Ryan’s actions in the scene where Ryan molests Christine. He is clearly disturbed by this and other incidences of racism that he witnesses and goes to his commanding officer to ask for a transfer to another partner. We, the audience feel for Hansen as he is humiliated by the officer and then is forced to say he has a problem with flatulence in order to get rid of Ryan as his partner. At first viewing, the audience is comforted and pleased that there is such a sympathetic character but this is to be torn down later in the film and then when really analysing Hansen’s actions. At the end of the film we are shown Hansen picking up a black man, Peter, while driving home. This appears to be an act of charity. But as the scene goes on a disag reement erupts between Hansen and Peter and Hansen’s racial prejudices can be seen more clearly. It culminates when Hansen tells Peter to get his hands out of his pockets as Hansen suspects Peter has a gun. Peter doesn’t obey quickly enough so Hansen shoots him dead and then dumps his body on the side of the road. The character that we have felt sympathetic towards and viewed as a genuinely good person is actually a murderer who tries to cover up his crime. This is not pleasant for the viewer but it is thought-provoking and uncomfortable. His actions cause us to examine his previous actions and realise that Hansen is at best a week character and at worst is inherently racist himself. The director uses various film techniques to manipulate the viewer and set us up for an unpleasant but revealing surprise because we have misjudged Hansen so seriously. The most obvious of these techniques is the film structure itself. The film actually starts at the end with the discovery of the dead body of Peter. We know that he has been murdered but do not know who did it. The rest of the film is actually a flashback where we are introduced to various characters and then led to the final conclusions about their guilt and innocence. Because we are lulled into a false sense of security about what type of person would be a killer, we never suspect that Hansen could have it in him. He seems to be such an ‘every man’. This use of flashbacks actually shows us that if you scratch the surface anybody could do the unforgivable. The use of two shots also set us up to revere Hansen. In the scene after Hansen has gotten rid of Ryan as a partner they have a brief confrontation. T here is a two shot of Hansen looking virtuous and relieved to be rid of Ryan while Ryan just looks vicious. Ryan says â€Å"Just wait until you’ve been on the job long enough and you’ll start to see things as they really are.†Hansen appears to take the high road and doesn’t reply. This juxtaposes the two characters and leads us to believe that one is right, one is wrong, and that things are black and white. This initial setting up of a dichotomy is pleasant for the viewer as we understand moral absolutes but when we realise that Hansen is actually the worse of the two then any pleasant feelings are destroyed. We are left to examine our own prejudices. Hansen is not the pleasant character that we first believe. After he shoots Peter, in which initially appears to a terrible misjudgement we are then forced to look at his other actions. He didn’t stop Ryan when he was hurting Christine. He didn’t report Ryan for it. He didn’t stand up for other officers when Ryan was racially abusing them behind their backs. Hansen didn’t do anything to really help anyone else – he only asked for a transfer because he didn’t want to work with Ryan. And in the end he was so quick to suspect Peter that he shot him. When all Peter was going to do was show him his St Christopher. Because Hansen is at first viewing a ‘nice’ character when he actually does something terrible the audience has to re-evaluate what ‘nice’ means and to realise that prejudices are not just on the surface of people – some can hide it better than others. It is not pleasant to have to examine our own positio ning and think about whether we would be any stronger than Hansen: especially when we realise the answer is no. On the other hand if I film is all about confrontation then the danger is that any message will get lost. People tire quickly of being preached at and many look at films as a way to escape for a bit. â€Å"Crash†has characters that we do like and want to succeed in order to keep us interested and happy. The relationship between Daniel and his daughter is very pleasing because it is clear that he loves her so much. We all want to be loved unconditionally and yearn for the affection that is so clear between them. This relationship takes what could otherwise be a bleak movie and gives it more of a feelgood factor. Daniel is the one character that most people like all along. While he appears to be a gangster in the beginning it is extremely quickly established that he is not. We can also feel proud of ourselves as an audience for liking him as he is definitely costumed in a way that is threatening to most people. Daniel wears baggy jeans, hoodies and has visible tattoos that most people would assume to be gang tattoos. He looks like a hood. Jean Cabot treats him like a hood after he changes the locks on her doors. She is a rich snob who judges everyone to be lesser than her and within his hearing she says â€Å"your amigo in there is going to sell our keys to one of his homeys†to her husband. Her prejudices are showing but because it is immediately made clear that she misjudges him, we as the audience feel proud that we can see through the costuming. Daniel has moved his daughter away from an area where there are gangs in order to give her the best life possible. When she is still scare d that bullets may get her he tells her about his invisible cloak that will protect her from all harm. He ceremonially takes the invisible cloak off himself puts the cloak on her and tells her that she is now protected. The cloak is a symbol of not just how much he loves her but that he is wrapping her in the love that they share. It holds them together and makes us feel secure and warm ourselves. The only time his warm relationship and our pleased reaction to it is tested is when Farhad goes to shoot Daniel but because his daughter believes she is invulnerable she throws herself in front of her father to protect him. But again we are left feeling pleased because there is no injury to either of them. This reinforces our faith in the idea that harm shouldn’t come to good people. Even though his life is hard the love he has for his daughter and the fact they magically don’t get shot and killed is like the spoonful of sugar that makes the other home truths more palatable. While movies should not focus merely on pleasing their audience it is true that if a film is in no way pleasing then people will not watch it. Our own lives have enough darkness in them that we need some relief along the way and films should be uplifting in some way. But the flip side is also true. There are films purely for mindless entertainment and they certainly have their place in our world, but film is a medium that can reach so many and show us so much. It is a very powerful medium that combines the pictures meaning more than a thousand words and the dialogue and expression that also takes place in real life. I believe that films should have a meaning and a message if we want to progress as a society and any storylines or characters that are pleasing are only there to make the message more palatable.
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Filling out application form for SOCIAL WORK COURSE Essay
Filling out application form for SOCIAL WORK COURSE - Essay Example often asked and which are required to be answered in application forms are designed to help the institution that is admitting these students assess the candidates and also to provide an opportunity for the students to determine if they are indeed interested in the course or vocation that they will like to develop themselves. In this essay, some questions that are required to be answered for admission to a social work degree are considered and possible answers provided, with due regard to the background of the candidate filing out the form. This brief essay presents some appropriate responses to questions related to a social work case which may be required to be discussed as a part of the entrance requirements to a degree course in Social Work at a British university. Whereas those who may respond to the questions related to the social work case that is being discussed may have a GCE ‘A’ – level education and varied work experience, the social work case that is required to be discussed is considered from the perspective of a candidate for admission who is from a minority Asian background and hence the candidate is better able to appreciate the peculiarities of the culture of the Indian Sub-Continent, along with the peculiarities of the British culture. The candidate is a second generation migrant to the United Kingdom who was born and bred in the United Kingdom, but was raised in her home environment which is a reflection of the culture of the Indian Sub-Continent. Such individuals, who have an inte rest in social work, can prove to be invaluable for conducting social work in the United Kingdom, because they have the capacity of being able to understand both the British and the Indian cultural traditions. These individuals can serve as a bridge between communities and not only assist in the assimilation of migrants from different background into the multicultural British community, but also help those migrants who have now grown old and are in need of
Wednesday, November 20, 2019
Pre-Course Reading and Writing Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Pre-Course Reading and Writing - Essay Example These ways are referred to as critical readings. From the new reading tactics, the reader is made to believe in reading for quality instead of quantity. Quality reading refers to a way of reading in which an individual can achieve the best and most important pieces of information from a set of text. It involves analyzing the author of a text, the publisher of a text, the topic of the text and the preview of the text. From the analysis, an individual can easily understand the quality of a text. Reading critically is the most competent feature one can have in terms on acquiring information. In the everyday life, we encounter reading sources which require critical reading in order to get the best out of them. Texts we encounter are significant to both ones professional and scholarly life. Less-Maffei (2012) argues that reading critically is the most important feature one should have in order to get by their daily lives. Ethics and technical communication Ethics is the center for the cre ation of effective communication. Ethics in any organization dictate that communication should be carried out in the most appropriate way. In any society or organization setting, ethics form the basis in which effective communication is created. In an ethical setting, communication is characterized by politeness, common language, openness and based on facts rather than assumptions. According to Less- Maffei (2012) it would be difficult to attain effective communication in both society and organizational settings without ethics. Communication requires ethics to shape the mode in which people relate to each other. To sensitize the issue on ethics in communication, organizations provide guidelines as to which staff and personnel are to communicate to fellow workmates and clients. These guidelines are based on ethical issues. For instance, there is a general assumption that using other languages in an organization setting is wrong and inappropriate. The creation of communication artifac ts has over the years based on the ethical issues in the field. Ethics have also played a vital function when it comes to the improvement of communique sources. Learning and information sources based on communication ethics maintains the clearness and appropriateness of the forms of information people acquire. Writing speaking or listening In an information profession, listening can provide the most success as compared to both writing and speaking. With listening, we are able to acquire a lot of information in which we apply to ones professional life. According to Less-Maffei (2012) listening forms the most integral part of an information profession since relating to people is usually their main goal. When creating a profession relationship listening is the key aim since there is so much to learn about customer expectations. Listening also enables one to gather information and create a research proposal on needs, wants and requirements of one’s profession. Personal expression In relating to the first essay, different individuals would have chosen different choices of discussion in terms of competency. In my case, I chose to read critically for the fact that I value reading as a source of all my information. From reading, I am able to acquire any information at the comfort of experts view. I have both scholarly and profession acquaintances that require a lot of reading. Since I have so much information to research on through reading, I use critical reading which makes the
Sunday, November 17, 2019
Network Security Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words
Network Security - Research Paper Example Network Security Introduction: Network security is a fairly confusing and complicated subject that has historically been tackled only by experts and experienced professionals. Nonetheless, increased wiring among people in the networked world has increased the need for people to perceive and master the fundamentals of security. This paper has been written with the basic information systems manager and computer user into focus so that they may acquire sufficient knowledge to hype in the market, identify potential threats and to tackle them appropriately. First, a bit of networking history is discussed. This discussion is followed by the introduction to internetworking as well as TCP/IP. Later, risk management, firewalls, and potential network threats will be discussed in order to elaborate the purpose of secure networking tools and devices. This paper is intended to lend the audience a broad perspective of the network security in general, and a sense to identify, manage and reduce risk s both at home and the workplace in particular. In order to sufficiently comprehend the rules and traits of network security, it is imperative that an individual has some basic knowledge of computer networks. Therefore, it is customary to briefly discuss the foundations of computer networking before moving over to the popular networks and their security. What is a Network? A network may be defined as a set in which lines that resemble a net interlink with one another. It is essentially a system of interconnected lines. Like any network, a network of computer essentially has many computers interlinked with one another. There are numerous ways to interconnect the computers. There are seven layers of communications types with interfaces according to the Reference Model of the International Standards Organization (ISO) / Open Systems Interconnect (OSI) as shown in the figure below: â€Å"The ISO/OSI Reference Model†(Curtin, 1997). Each layer is dependent upon the services of the immediately lower layer. This pattern follows until one gets on the lowest layer of physical network. This can be best understood by drawing a comparison between this model and something of everyday use like a telephone. A telephone is the means of transmittal of message between two people when they are sufficiently away to be out of each other’s earshot. Same happens at the application layer of the ISO/OSI model. The telephones serve the purpose by converting the sound into electronic pulses which may be transmitted back and forth through the wire. Layers underneath the application layer serve the very purpose. Both sets of the telephone need to be connected into a switch which is an essential component of the network of switches of the telephone system. In order to make a call, an individual needs to pick the receiver up and dial the desired extension or number. This number indicates the central office which the request goes to so that a phone from that office rings up. Th e individual at the other end picks up the receiver and the conversation begins. Computer networks have a similar way to function. Some Popular Networks: A lot of networks have been identified and employed over the last 2.5 decades or more. In this paper, two of them will be looked into. Both of the networks are public networks, that essentially means that either of them can be connected by anyone. People can
Friday, November 15, 2019
Typology Of Organisation And Relation To Servicescape Complexity Business Essay
Typology Of Organisation And Relation To Servicescape Complexity Business Essay The following essay critically analyses the strategic role that physical evidences play in a holistic environment, called the servicescape. The essay discusses the combination of environmental dimensions and their influence on customers and employees and how their behaviour can be mediated by the cognitive, emotional and physiological responses. This article is a practical reflection on the article by Ms. Mary Jo Bitner in which she related the combination of environmental dimensions to the internal responses of individuals, their behaviour and the ultimate effect on the organisational objectives. The researcher also visited two restaurants for the objective of completing this essay and the findings have been presented here under. This essay will conclude by defining different ways in which the effects of a servicescape are established on the organisations outcomes. Servicescape Framework Initially, Kotler (1974) suggested that a servicescape framework is the design of buying environments to produce emotional effects in the buyer that enhance his or her purchase probability. Later, Bitner used the term to describe the physical setting in which a commercial exchange is performed, delivered, and consumed within a service organisation. In her seminal article, she demonstrated that three types of objective and measurable physical stimuli exist in an organisation and merge together to form a servicescape. She further elaborated that these stimuli could be controlled by the organisation and were able to improve or hamper both the customers and employees attitude towards the organisation. She further classified the numerous examples of such physical and derived stimuli into three dimensions of environmental stimuli (Bitner, 1992). The term has now been enhanced to include any tangible component that facilitates performance or communicates the service (Bitner and Zeithaml, 2 003). Consequently, the physical evidence can be likened to a landscape. As with any landscape of an area, it includes both the interior facilities and the exterior facilities of the organisation. The interior facilities include the interior design and decoration, the layout, equipment, air quality, signage as well as the temperature and ambience. The exterior would include facilities such as the landscape, parking, road and building signage, exterior design, and the surroundings. But the physical evidence goes on to include other tangibles such as the Stationery, brochures, business cards, employee uniforms, business reports, credit statements, and other intangibles such as webpages and blog posts. The physical environment where services are delivered and experienced by the customers plays an important part in the formation of the perceptions of the customers and their future expectations about similar services (Bitner, 1992; Baker et al., 2002; Grewal et al., 2003). Hoffman and Turley (2002) described that a lot of different organisational objectives can be achieved and enhanced through a critical examination of the servicescape. According to Bitner (1992), most organisations are invariably affected by their physical environments but to different degrees. Some service organisations such as hotels, restaurants, clubs and insurance companies are affected to a greater extent by the physical environment than other organisations such as ATMs and hot dog stands. It should be noted here that the physical environment does not just influence clients but it also has a significant impact on the employees. Bitner noted that satisfied employees generate satisfactory services that go on to satisfy customers. Therefore, the business environment should not only cater to the needs and demands of the customers but also concurrently to those of the employees. The following figure has been extracted from the original treatise by Ms. Mary Jo Bitner (1992) to describe the different types of service organisations based on the variation in the form in usage of the servicescape. The vertical aspect of the typology describes the type of organisation based on who performs actions within the servicescape. It has been categorised into a self service (customer only), interpersonal services (both customer and employee) and remote service (employee only). On one side, service is performed by the customer only in the level of employee activity is almost non-existent. The other extreme is signified by the remote service organisations where customer involvement and interaction are non-significant (in relation to the servicescape). The figure, the horizontal aspect describes the complexity of the servicescape. It has also been categorised as lean and elaborate. Lee refers to those servicescape settings where there are very few elements involved and their intricacy is minimal. Other servicescapes that are very complicated and involve a bigger mix of elements and variables are termed as elaborate. C:UsersKhalidDesktopo_c44bab260d23dc1e_002.jpg Fig. 1: Typology of Organisation and Relation to Servicescape Complexity As can be seen, some organisations such as a Golf Club are very client-oriented with huge emphasis on the servicescape. In such organisations, the servicescapes are well-developed to attract and satisfy customers. Other organisations also employing a significant emphasis on the servicescape at which are employee oriented include many professional services organisations, and here, the servicescapes are developed to satisfy the employees. On the other hand, there are organisations that do not depend a lot on the servicescape design and minimal effort is dedicated to the development of their servicescapes. However, attention is paid to whether the organisation is customer oriented or employee oriented to achieve maximum output from invested effort. As has been described, the physical setting can enhance or hinder the realization of both internal organisational objectives and external marketing goals. Thus, the servicescape can enhance or diminish customer satisfaction and employee motivation and concurrently help in attracting and maintaining customers. The overall servicescape framework consists of physical environmental dimensions which contribute to the holistic environment of the organisation. These physical dimensions, in combination, are termed as the perceived servicescape of the organisation and elicit internal responses from both employees and the customers. These internal responses contribute to both the individual behaviour of the customers and employees and their social interactions. These behaviours, in turn, contribute to the achievement of the objectives and goals of the organisation. Thus, organisations focus on achieving an optimal mix of physical environment factors and try to moderate the internal responses of both employees and customers to realize favourable behaviours and ultimately achieve the organisational objectives. Untitled.png Fig. 2: Bitners Servicescape Model The Physical Environmental Dimensions Bitner (1992) classify the physical environment into three dimensions: Ambient Conditions: This aspect of the physical environment refers to the conditions surrounding employees and customers that can be sensed through the human five senses. These are the general conditions of the environment of the organisation and include temperature, voice, odour, air quality, et cetera. The conditions are usually prominent when they are extreme (either very cold or hot), the customer spends a lot of time in the environment, and they do not match his expectations. Spatial Layout And Functionality: These refer to the seamless layout of the organisation, especially equipment and furnishing, which is used to achieve maximum productivity in the most efficient and effective manner. These environmental conditions are most noticeable in self service settings and in circumstances where tasks are complex and there is little time to achieve them. Signs, Symbols, Artefacts And Branding: These refer to the signage, icons and signals that amplify the message from the organisation to the intended customers. They also include the personal artefacts of the employees and staff members in the style and colour of the decor used to furnish the organisation. These are most important when repositioning a service, forming first impression, and when communicating new service ideas. They are also highly essential in highly competitive organisations where they are used to differentiate and achieve uniqueness from the competition. Internal Responses to the Servicescape Internal responses of both employees and customers in service organisations to the physical dimensions of the surroundings are classified as cognitive, emotional, and physiological. As such, these responses elicit overall behaviour of the participants in the servicescape and this behaviour can be classified as a function of the internal responses to the perceived servicescape. In fact, perceptions of the servicescape are the real reason that causes certain beliefs, emotions and physiological feelings that influence behaviours. Cognitive responses: Cognition refers to beliefs and as such, these responses influence peoples beliefs both about the place, and the people and products found in that place. These responses include general beliefs, categorisations and assigning symbolic meanings to different objects to employees and customers. Emotional responses: According to Mehrabian and Russell, the emotion-eliciting qualities of an environment can be described along two dimensions; the pleasure-displeasure quality and the degree of arousal that place can elicit. These two dimensions describe peoples emotional response to the environment of the organisation. Typically, the environment of any organisation can be located on these two dimensions. Research has shown that predictions about behaviour along these two dimensions are usually accurate. For example, environments that make people happy and cause them to enjoy themselves are likely to be places where people spend most of their time and money. In contrast, people usually avoid places that cause feelings of displeasure. Similarly, environments that cause arousal will usually be the places that people usually inhabit. Physiological responses:
Tuesday, November 12, 2019
In-N-Out Burguer Essay
Describe In-N-Out in terms of the value it provides for customers. Throughout the years, the restaurant chain In-N-Out has accomplished excellent customer service and satisfaction. Moreover, their customer service is now classified among the top rated when compared to other fast food restaurants that are within In-N-Out’s range of service. Presently, the profit they are making is comparable to, if not higher than Burger King and McDonald’s. Many experts reviews have favored In-N-Out because they are known for giving customers secret menu items, which overall helps increase customer value. In other words, the famous â€Å"secret menu†strategy is bringing back not only its original customers but also their family and friends. Evaluate In-N-Out’s performance relative to customer expectations. What is the outcome of this process? In-N-Out has performed well when it comes to filling customers’ expectations. Thanks to the great performance offered by the restaurant; they have positive advertisement by their own clients. In other words, their own customers promote the food and service of the restaurant; saving the chain millions of dollars in TV advertisement. They are now famous for providing â€Å"Quality you can taste†as well as an original formula that remains unchanged. Another fact to their success is that, they have never changed their menu or freshness of the products. Millions of people talk about the freshness and tastefulness of the food and are always planning to return within days. Do you think In-N-Out should adopt a high growth strategy? Why or why not? I believe In-N-Out should remain with their slow growth strategy. This particular chain of restaurants has definitely gone beyond expectations. The truth of the matter is, a regular business with such strategy would have failed within the first three years. However, In-N-Out has exceptional in accomplishing what seems impossible to other fast foods such as McDonalds. The chain of restaurants it is not found in every state, so when a traveler is near one there is a high chance they will try it. With so many customers drawn into In-N-Out’s â€Å"no change†philosophy, why don’t more burger chains follow suit? Each burger chain has its rules and strategies, for them to ado pt the â€Å"no change†rule means many of their owners would have to agree. Since such philosophy is not the most common successful one the likelihood of them converting is not high.
Sunday, November 10, 2019
Improve Efficiency Essay
A very high percentage of the items selected (picked) in the distribution centers and re-stocked in the stores were in quantities of 1 case. This company’s roots were as a high volume, limited assortment retailer and distributor. Over time the business had shifted allowing the stores to reorder a higher mix of items at lower volumes. Given the companies market position as a low-price leader, this reduced profit margins. The two root causes of this shift were identified as: 1. Stock-keeping-unit (SKU) count growth outpacing sales growth, and 2. Allowing minimum order quantities from the stores to the distribution centers to drop to a quantity of one This white paper will study how this company quantified the impact of allowing its stores to order in one case quantity and then recalculated minimum order quantities for higher volume items. (For details of how SKUs were reduced see White Paper â€Å"SKU Reduction – Biggest SKLUsers†) A Supply Velocity Consultant led a team of employees through this 5 week project. The Supply Velocity consultant facilitated, but the employees did most of the analysis and therefore owned the improvements. nfo@supplyvelocity. com Copyright: Supply Velocity, Inc. 2 Project Outline ? Evaluated all SKUs and the case quantity they are most frequently ordered at, to establish baseline data for how stores are ordering ? Time studied retail store shelf restocking and distribution center order selection labor to determine the negative labor productivity impact of the current ordering policy o Graphed the results in a trend chart o Determined that the greatest labor productivity improvement happens when the order quantity increases from just 1 to 2 cases ? Recalculated minimum order quantity for all items using Multi-Variable Pareto analysis based on: o Item unit movement o Pack-out (number of units that fit on the shelf space allocated in stores) o Shelf life ? About 20% of all SKUs had a re-calculated minimum order quantity greater than 1 case o The most conservative methods were used to ensure this project didn’t just push inventory out to stores, resulting in shrink (throwing away items that go beyond their shelf-life limit or are damaged) ? Communicated all items on the minimum order quantity to all stores through a comprehensive communication plan o Communication plan included data to show stores how increasing minimum order quantity on select items would improve their labor productivity ? Created a control plan to ensure new items, SKU reduction and sales history will be used to update the minimum order quantity on a twice yearly basis info@supplyvelocity. com Copyright: Supply Velocity, Inc. 3 Time Study Analysis To quantify the problem, we time studied order selection in the distribution centers and shelf restocking in retail stores. We conducted a few snapshot analyses of different distribution centers to understand the current state of â€Å"order quantities†. The graph below shows that out of the approximately 2800 items, a majority are ordered in quantities of 1 case. The time study data also showed that the second case selected or stocked is essentially â€Å"free†and the same movement is used for two cases as for one case. At the outset of this project the team was worried that any increase in minimum order quantity would be viewed by store managers as an attempt to push inventory out from the distribution centers to the stores. This data showed that increasing minimum order quantity from one case to just two, gave us the greatest percentage of labor productivity improvement. However, we didn’t just want to increase all items to a 2 case minimum order quantity. Instead, a statistical tool, Multi-Variable Pareto was used to calculate the proper minimum order quantity based on a mix of inputs. nfo@supplyvelocity. com Copyright: Supply Velocity, Inc. 4 Distribution Center Order Selection Quantity (# of items picked per quantity) 57% of the items in distribution centers were selected at a 1 case quantity info@supplyvelocity. com Copyright: Supply Velocity, Inc. 5 â€Å"Time to Select per Case Quantity†in the Distribution Centers – Based on case count per selection When selecting 2 cas es of an item, the time per case drops by 45% from 1 case. info@supplyvelocity. com Copyright: Supply Velocity, Inc. 6 Time to Re-Stock SKUs on Shelves in Stores – Based on case count When restocking 2 cases of an item, the time per case drops by 61% from 1 case. This shows that the greatest productivity improvement occurs when going from 1 to 2 cases, which is easier to â€Å"sell†to the stores than making large increases in minimum order quantity. They can reduce labor by 37 seconds per case by ordering and stocking 2 cases of an item versus 1. info@supplyvelocity. com Copyright: Supply Velocity, Inc. 7 Multi Variable Pareto Analysis ? Recalculated minimum order quantity for all items using Multi-Variable Pareto analysis based on: o Item unit movement o Pack-out (number of units that fit on the shelf space allocated in stores) o Shelf life ? About 20% of all SKUs had a re-calculated minimum order quantity greater than 1 case o The most conservative methods were used to ensure this project didn’t just push inventory out to stores, resulting in shrink Multi-Variable Pareto is a method that uses more than one â€Å"measure†to sort SKUs from highest to lowest performing. Normal Pareto Analysis has been used to develop guidelines such as the 80/20 rule (20% of customers generate 80% of sales). When using multiple variables, there has to be a way to normalize the data so all variables are part of the analysis. We used three variables to determine the correct minimum order quantity for an item. ? Cases sold per week on average for each item ? The number of cases that fit in the given shelf space ? Product shelf-life Each of these variables are positively correlated to Minimum Order Quantity. ? The higher the cases sold equals higher Order Quantity ? The greater the shelf space (pack-out) equals higher Order Quantity ? The longer the item’s shelf-life equals higher Order Quantity The team of subject matter experts used retail experience to determine each of these factors and their impact on minimum order quantity. Results of this analysis are shown below. The calculation was very conservative, as the results have shown. Only 466 of 2800 items have a minimum order quantity greater than 1 case. This was largely driven by two factors. Item shelf-life limited our ability to make any shelf-life sensitive item greater than 1 case. Our calculation took this limiting factor into account, to ensure we weren’t causing shrink (throwing away items that go beyond their shelf-life limit or are damaged) at the stores. In addition, lower case movement drove many items to a 1 case minimum, even if they didn’t have shelf life limitations. The lower case movement is due to SKU proliferation and was addressed by the SKU Reduction (Biggest SKLUsers) project. info@supplyvelocity. com Copyright: Supply Velocity, Inc. 8 Results of Minimum Order Quantity Calculation info@supplyvelocity. om Copyright: Supply Velocity, Inc. 9 Communication & Control Plan ? Communicated with all retail stores about how the minimum order quantity analysis was conducted and the resulting new plan o Communication plan included data to show stores that increasing minimum order quantity on select items would improve their labor productivity ? Created a control plan so new items, SKU reduction and sales history will update the minimum order quantity on a twice yearly basis It was critical that this project was presented as a positive for our retail store-customers. We created a communication plan that showed two key aspects of this change: ? The conservative nature of the change o only 466 of 2800 items are receiving a minimum order quantity increase ? This change is good for the stores and will improve their labor productivity To ensure that this process endures and does not get reversed over time we included a control plan. This is shown in the graphic below. As Category Marketing Managers evaluate items, adding and reducing SKUs, changes will be reflected in new pack-out quantities. This quantity will get fed to Distribution Technology who will recalculate this items’ minimum order quantity using the same Multi-Variable Pareto calculation. A control group, made up of Merchandising, Distribution and Retail Directors will review the list, make changes in the ordering system and communicate changes to store customers. info@supplyvelocity. com Copyright: Supply Velocity, Inc. 10 Results By taking the higher sales volume SKUs and increasing the store minimum order quantity, we decreased the time per case to stock shelves in the stores and select items in the distribution centers. Using only the 1 to 2 case increase in minimum order quantity for the 466 SKUs reduced the labor time per case resulting in a labor savings of $1. 2 million. The expectation for this process is to slowly grow the number items with a minimum order quantity greater than 1 case beyond 20%. By rationalizing and reducing SKUs we should increase the shelf pack-out of remaining items, thereby increasing the minimum order quantity.
Friday, November 8, 2019
Application Information for Nurses Overseas
Application Information for Nurses Overseas Nurses who have trained and qualified in another country other than Australia have to be assessed by the Australian Nursing Council (ANC) on their overseas qualification when seeking registration in Australia. The assessment may be conducted directly through interview at the National Board’s Office or through an Australian Government office overseas (Nurse In Australia 2010). Forms for application are always available at the ANC offices or Australian Government offices. Therefore, a qualified nurse who is interested in registering as a practitioner in the country has to obtain the application forms and complete them. After completing the application forms, the person has to submit the form together with his or her qualification documents to the Board’s office. This has to be done in person or submitted via email. A prescribed fee has to be paid while submitting the application forms and the documents. The documents required during application include the degree, diploma or certificate that was obtained from the educational institution or hospital where the course was undertaken (Swingshift Nurses 2007). Accompanying these are transcripts and sometimes records of the education program(s) which were undertaken during training, and issued by the institution/hospital where the training took place. These transcripts should show the details such as the theoretical content of the course, duration of the course, number of lecture hours in each unit/subject (Swingshift Nurses 2007). The transcripts should also give evidence for clinical experience in terms of number of weeks or days in every clinical area covered (Brutish Nursing 2008). Finally, they should also include the language of instruction (Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency 2011 (b)). The applicant must also submit his or her initial certificate of registration from the country where he or she had trained or attained the qualification(s). If this can not be obtained, then verification is sent to the nurse regulatory authority of the country where the training was undertaken (Swingshift Nurses 2007). The Board also sends a direct verification to the applicant’s current registration in the country where he or she last practised (Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency 2011 (b)). The applicant is also required to present his or her identity; meaning that current passport or birth certificate has to accompany the above documents. In case of name change, the applicant can provide marriage certificate or any other document that can prove the change. Finally, the applicant must also provide proof of work experience (Brutish Nursing, 2008). After submission of these documents, the applicant requiring assessment is given a letter informing him or her of the requirements needed to qualify for the registration should the application be considered by the National Board (Swingshift Nurses 2007). A nurse who wishes to be considered for registration, but has a non-English speaking background, has to undergo English language proficiency test. The Australian Nursing Council (ANC) ensures that applicants who had been trained in education systems in which English is not the first language demonstrate their proficiency in English (Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency 2011 (a)). The ANC only recognizes two types of English proficiency tests which are; the Occupational English Test (OET) and the International English Language Testing System (IELTS) (Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency 2011 (b)). In whichever test chosen by the applicant, an overall pass mark must be attained in order to be approved by the ANC. The aim of the assessment process is to provide the applicant with an orientation to the healthcare system of the country. For an applicant to be registered, he or she must demonstrate ability to work as a registered nurse in the country. Reference List Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency (a), 2011, Registration requirements. [Online] available at . Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency(b), 2011, Overseas practitioners. [Online] available at . Brutish Nursing, 2008, Nursing in Australia New Zealand. [Online] available at Nurse In Australia, 2010, National registration for nurses. [Online] available at Swingshift Nurses, 2007, Nurse registration information: NBV overseas applicant information. [Online] available at
Wednesday, November 6, 2019
Reaction to Death With Dignity essays
Reaction to Death With Dignity essays Choice of Pysicain Assisted Sucide Should Be States It is clear from reading the Oregon Death with Dignity Act that those who drafted this legislation wanted to give the choice to individuals who were terminally ill as defined in the Act, to have the ability to end their life on their own terms. The intention of this Act is to give a person the ability to control their own death in which would without this alternative be controlled by their disease. I feel that by requiring two separate concurring opinions that conclude with the diagnosis of a terminal illness, and by requiring a psychological review to ensure the individual possess clear judgment, it is enough to classify this option as a medical treatment rather than a suicide. I categorize this as a treatment because I feel it is not entirely different than anything else a physician can offer to their patients who suffer from these conditions. Before the Act, physicians could only offer treatments which provided physical comfort to their patients during their decline in health. I believe this new option is a treatment that provides the patient with mental comfort by providing them the piece of mind that they can control the time and place of their death. An individual who chooses physical comfort is looking to be in the least amount of pain while living as long as their disease allows. A person who seeks the option offered in the Oregon Act is choosing the mental comfort of being able to die under the conditions which they themselves determine. Both of these options are reasonable, and should be available to all those who are faced with such a dilemma. Those who developed this option intended for the individuals who qualify to repeatedly have to request for the prescription with several applications and documents, ensuring that the patient is absolutely certain with their decision. The requirement of a psychological examination is extremely important because of the impact...
Sunday, November 3, 2019
Communication, Ethics, and Society Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Communication, Ethics, and Society - Assignment Example Despite the disparities in cultures, Carola slowly adjusts to the new culture; they start a business, and have a child. Her husband becomes jealous of her, especially in the event of her flirting with other men. The movie ends with Carola travelling back to Switzerland with her daughter after several arguments with Lemalian. Lemalian doubts that she would return to him. In as much as I can clearly recall the movie, I am not able to recall all the names of the characters in the movie, for instance, the serviceman at Lemalian’s and Carola’s shop, the priest in the church amongst others. Basing my argument on DeFleur’s argument, the movie is well portrayed, thus, making it less tasking for me to recall the major characters and the plot of the movie (78). The audience’s perception, attitude and attention have been aroused, allowing the audiences follow involuntarily the contents of the movie. Conclusively, the manner in which content has been displayed by the media determines the permanence and the consistence in which the audience will have in following up the themes displayed to the
Friday, November 1, 2019
Unit 2 Assignment Speech or Presentation Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Unit 2 Assignment - Speech or Presentation Example Any company success depends on its employees. Satisfied employee will motivate to give their best and unsatisfied employees will not give their 100 percent, will engage himself and other in unproductive activities and if find opportunity on another company, will leave job. An individual’s job satisfaction could be different on intrinsic, extrinsic, and benefits. Individuals overall job satisfaction increases the chance of company success. Majority (76%) of the participants are male. Only, 24% of the participants are female. Figure 1 shows the â€Å"tenure with company†distribution by gender. The â€Å"tenure with company†distribution for male is approximately same for tenure less than 2 year (36.8%), 2 to 5 years (31.6%), and over 5 years (31.6%). The â€Å"tenure with company†distribution for female is less than 2 year (33.3%), 2 to 5 years (16.7%), and over 5 years (50.0%). There is chance of 63.6% that an individual will be a salaried employee whose intrinsic satisfaction value is 5 or more. Therefore, there is chance of 36.4%% that an individual will be a salaried employee whose intrinsic satisfaction value is less than
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