Monday, May 25, 2020
Essay on myth of sisyphus - 975 Words
How was the text borrowed from other texts, and with what effects? how has he borrowed from other texts and to what effects? Introduction: Thesis: Camus has borrowed philosophical ideas from other writers which has influenced his interpretation for the existence of an individual mostly described within his works with The Myth of Sisyphus as well as his other well known novels. Prominent in Europe in the 19th and 20th century Existentialism is defined by the slogan Existence precedes Essence. This means: We have no predetermined nature or essence that controls what we are, what we do, or what is valuable for us. We are radically free to act independently of determination by outside influences. We create our own human nature†¦show more content†¦In accepting their fate, Sisyphus and Oedipus have abandoned hope, and so their fate does not seem horrible to them. On the contrary, they have finally found the only genuine happiness. Oedipus becomes a tragic figure only when he becomes aware that he has killed his father and married his mother. He also remarks that both Sisyphus and Oedipus are ultimately happy, that they conclude that all is well. Sisyphus: He knows that he will struggle forever and he knows that this struggle will get him nowhere. This awareness is precisely the same awareness that an absurd man has in this life. The above point also relates to Oedipus where he knows that being acceptable for his his situations and faith, his point of view for society will change and will learn to decide his own faith. freedom of choice- being able understand that only you control your own life. Camus identifies Sisyphus as the archetypal absurd hero, both for his behavior on earth and for his punishment in the underworld. He displays scorn for the gods, a hatred of death, and a passion for life. (going against dostovesky’s ideas on faith and religion Paragraph 3: Transition Statement: The futility of ones life is an evident theme in Homer’s and Camus’s interpretation for The Myth of Sisyphus. Both homer and Camus address the futility of Sisyphus’s labour. Futile punishment lead to their unnecessaryShow MoreRelatedEssay on The Myth of Sisyphus706 Words  | 3 PagesThe Myth Of Sisyphus      The myth of Sisyphus was a paper written by Albert Camus to show that life has no ultimate meaning. This goals of men and woman are false and in the end humans really accomplish nothing. Camus represented his idea of existentialism through the use of Sisyphus. This allows us to see a comparison of a mythical tale and the real world.      Albert Camus feeling towards existence was that humans were not supposed to be living in the world. Camus believed that there wasRead MoreEssay on The Myth of Sisyphus1230 Words  | 5 Pages The Myth of Sisyphus Sisyphus is the absurd hero. This man, sentenced to ceaselessly rolling a rock to the top of a mountain and then watching it roll back down, is the epitome of the absurd hero according to Camus. In retelling the Myth of Sisyphus, Camus is able to create an extremely powerful image which sums up the intellectual discussion which comes before it in the book. We are told that Sisyphus is the absurd hero as much through his passions as through hisRead MoreThe Myth Of Sisyphus And The Stranger1367 Words  | 6 Pages It is common for authors to use similar themes in their work intentionally. For Albert Camus, the author of â€Å"The Myth of Sisyphus†and The Stranger, the use of similar themes seems to be intentional. The author takes a very different approach to the same topic, however. Not only is the underlying topic of existentialism the same, but the writing styles and rhetorical devices similar, as well. Through the use of similar devices and themes, the reader is able to understand, analyze, and compare andRead MoreEssay on The Myth of Sisyphus1321 Words  | 6 PagesCamus The Myth of Sisyphus is not simply a re-telling of the myth itself, but also an interpretation of the way in which the myth can be related to the life of humanity in general, and in particular to ones understanding and acceptance of the futility of life, which he does not consider to be negative per se. He looks at the nature of Sisyphus character, the way in which he challenged and defied the gods, and the punishment he received as a result. However, he does not look at Sisyphus fate asRead MoreThe Myth Of Sisyphus By Albert Camus1281 Words  | 6 PagesThe Myth of Sisyphus is a philosophical essay authored by Albert Camus. Originally published in French in 1942 as Le Mythe de Sisyphe, It was translated into English by Justin O’Brien in 1955. Camus in this essay introduces his concept of the â€Å"absurd†. He talks of man s futile search for meaning, unity, and clarity. He states that for man the world becomes an unintelligible space which is devoid of God, moral ethics and eternal truths. In such a situation one is forced to contemplate ‘Is suicideRead MoreAbsurdity: The Myth of Sisyphus Essay1347 Words  | 6 Pagesabsurdity and making life worthwhile. The legend of Sisyphus and his fate is an echo of our own. Sisyphus was a very wise mortal who was condemned by the gods. They punished him to a never ending absurd task. Sisyphus was forced to roll a boulder up a mountain, and once he reached the top the boulder would roll back down. Sisyphus would then have to attempt to complete the task again meeting the same results for eternity. Readers feel sympathy toward Sisyphus because he has no control over his actions,Read More Albert Camus The Myth of Sisyphus Essays814 Words  | 4 PagesAlbert Camus The Myth of Sisyphus Albert Camus essay, The Myth Of Sisyphus is an insightful analysis of the classic work, The Myth Of Sisyphus. In some regards Camus view of Sisyphus can seem quite accurate and in tune with the original text, but based on Camus interpretation of the justness of Sisyphus punishment, it is clear that the writer has some different ideas as well. Camus concludes that this punishment does not have the effect the Gods had intended, and ultimately theRead More A Comparison of the Heroes Of The Stranger (The Outsider) and The Myth of Sisyphus1076 Words  | 5 Pages The Absurd Heroes Of The Stranger (The Outsider) and The Myth of Sisyphusnbsp;nbsp; In The Myth of Sisyphus, Sisyphus is an absurd hero because he realizes his situation, does not appeal, and yet continues the struggle. The purpose of this essay is to demonstrate that The Stranger is, in narrative style, also showing us an absurd hero, or the beginning of an absurd hero in Meursault. In The Myth of Sisyphus Camus establishes the epistemology on which he bases all his works. Ant its a veryRead MoreEssay about Satan in Paradise Lost and The Myth of Sisyphus2209 Words  | 9 Pagesexcluded thus (105). He knows that he cannot win. He also knows that he is Gods creature, and that he is striving against an infinite power. But he here alone is not enough for him to qualify as an absurd hero, defined by Camus in The Myth of Sisyphus as one who living an experience, a particular fate, is accepting it fully (47). On the contrary, Satan instead seems to delude himself, by thinking that through evil, he will take a part of a Divided Empire with Heavns King that he willRead MoreAnalysis Of The Myth Of Sisyphus 1212 Words  | 5 PagesConnor McGlynn February 2, 2014 Eshleman Camus Essay Much of Camus writing in the Myth of Sisyphus is trying to get the reader to understand the idea of absurdity, and what can be done with it. In this essay I will attempt to determine whether the acceptance of absurdity does indeed make life better. Camus states that there are a few different ways one can deal with the absurdity of life, it could drive one to suicide, it could have someone take a â€Å"leap of faith†and hope there is meaning to life
Monday, May 18, 2020
Descriptive Essay Humbert - 1380 Words
We just got to the hotel, and my oh my, Humbert Humbert can be so weird sometimes. I don’t even know where to start talking about today! When he first came to pick me up at Camp Q, he seemed, oh I don’t know, different. He was bigger, more powerful, and much much cuter than the little Hummy I remembered. He looked like he had stepped right out of the poster above my bed, with those big hairy arms, his icy blue eyes, and that smile that made my heart flutter. He had seemed to turn into a real life Cary Grant. Who knows? Maybe it was because he was my dad now. Or maybe it was because of what I had learned this summer. Honestly, it was probably just cause the only guy I had seen all summer was that lard-ball Charlie Holmes. While he†¦show more content†¦Oh, I don’t know. But still, it might have been fun to see dad try and talk his way out of something like that with a police officer. But I’m sure he could. He is very smart. I think that is why Charlotte loves him. She probably thinks that people will think she is smarter cause of him. Whatever. If she won’t be nice to me then I won’t be nice to her. I bet she sent me to camp to get me away for the summer. She wants to have him all to herself. Why can’t she ever let me have anything?! Well, I know that my Hummy cares about me. I can see in the way he looks at me. Deep down in those steely, blue, European eyes, I know he cares. I bet his eyes look are the same color as whats it called. That place in Europe. The Medityranny? Yea that’s it. His eyes are definitely the same color as The Medityrannical Sea. I can picture it now. A calm beautiful surface extending far as the eye can see, and just filled, filled with life and commotion underneath; I can tell that no matter what those eyes show, there’s even more going on underneath. I know he loves me. Even if he can’t show it very much when other people are around. But it makes me so sad and mad sometimes though. I want people us to see how much he loves me. And how much I like him. But he scares me sometimes too. I can’t put my finger on it but there is something that I can’t quite describe; scary isn’t right, not weird, but†¦ Why is it so hard to find the right word sometimes? I can senseShow MoreRelatedEssay about Humbert the Pedophile1965 Words  | 8 PagesHumbert the Pedophile Lolita, the novel by Vladimir Nabokov, tells the story of Humbert Humbert, who is a perfect example of a pedophile. Although the character Humbert Humbert describes his feelings toward the twelve year old Lolita as love, in actuality, it is obsessive lust. Nabokov does an excellent job displaying the characteristics of pedophilia through this character. Reading Lolita makes us conscious of the need to be more aware that pedophilia is alive and well in our society today. InRead More The Rich Diversity of Meanings of the Pardoners Tale Essay5609 Words  | 23 Pagesbetween language, and more specifically art, and the self. This essay will be as much a critical discussion of Chaucerian criticism as an interpretation of the Pardoner for much of our current understandings of the Pardoner and his performance come from nearly six hundred years of scholarship on the subject. What exactly do we now about the Pardoner? Much of our understanding of him as a literary human being rests on several key descriptive statements in the text, most about his appearance. They fail
Friday, May 15, 2020
History of the Sacco and Vanzetti Case
Two Italian immigrants, Nicola Sacco and Batolomeo Vanzetti, died in the electric chair in 1927, and their case was widely seen as an injustice. After convictions for murder, followed by a lengthy legal battle to clear their names, their executions were met with mass protests across America and Europe. Some aspects of the Sacco and Vanzetti case would not seem out of place in modern society. The two men were portrayed as dangerous foreigners. They were both members of anarchist groups, and faced trial at a time when political radicals engaged in brutal and dramatic acts of violence, including a 1920 terrorist bombing on Wall Street. Both men had avoided military service in World War I, at one point escaping the draft by going to Mexico. It was later rumored that their time spent in Mexico, in the company of other anarchists, had been spent learning how to make bombs. Their long legal battle began following a violent and deadly payroll robbery on a Massachusetts street in the spring of 1920. The crime seemed to be a common robbery, not anything to do with radical politics. But when a police investigation led to Sacco and Vanzetti, their radical political history seemed to make them likely suspects. Before their trial even began in 1921, prominent figures declared that the men were being framed. And donors came forward help them hire competent legal help. Following their conviction, protests against the United States broke out in European cities. A bomb was delivered to the American ambassador to Paris. In the United States, skepticism about the conviction surged. The demand that Sacco and Vanzetti be cleared continued for years as the men sat in prison. Eventually their legal appeals ran out, and they were executed in the electric chair in the early hours of August 23, 1927. Nine decades after their deaths, the Sacco and Vanzetti case remains a disturbing episode in American history. The Robbery The armed robbery which began the Sacco and Vanzetti case was remarkable for the amount of cash stolen, $15,000 (early reports gave an even higher estimate), and because two gunmen shot two men in broad daylight. One victim died immediately and the other died the next day. It seemed to be the work of a brazen stick-up gang, not a crime that would turn into a prolonged political and social drama. The robbery occurred on April 15, 1920, on a street of a Boston suburb, South Braintree, Massachusetts. The paymaster of a local shoe company carried a box of cash, divided up into pay envelopes to be distributed to workers. The paymaster, along with an accompanying guard, were intercepted by two men who drew guns. The robbers shot the paymaster and the guard, grabbed the cash box, and quickly jumped into a getaway car driven by an accomplice (and said to be holding other passengers). The robbers managed to drive off and disappear. The getaway car was later found abandoned in a nearby woods. Background of the Accused Sacco and Vanzetti were both born in Italy, and, coincidentally, both arrived in America in 1908. Nicola Sacco, who settled in Massachusetts, got into a training program for shoemakers and became a highly skilled worker with a good job in a shoe factory. He married, and had a young son at the time of his arrest. Bartolomeo Vanzetti, who arrived in New York, had a more difficult time in his new country. He struggled to find work, and had a succession of menial jobs before becoming a fish peddler in the Boston area. The two men met at some point through their interest in radical political causes. Both became exposed to anarchist handbills and newspapers during a time when labor unrest led to very contentious strikes across America. In New England, strikes at factories and mills turned into a radical cause and both men became involved with the anarchist movement. When the United States entered the World War in 1917, the federal government instituted a draft. Both Sacco and Vanzetti, along with other anarchists, traveled to Mexico to avoid serving in the military. In line with anarchist literature of the day, they claimed the war was unjust and was really motivated by business interests. The two men escaped prosecution for avoiding the draft, and after the war they resumed their previous lives in Massachusetts. But they remained interested in the anarchist cause just as the Red Scare gripped the country. The Trial Sacco and Vanzetti were not the original suspects in the robbery case. But when police sought to apprehend someone they suspected, attention fell on Sacco and Vanzetti nearly by chance. The two men happened to be with the suspect when he went to retrieve a car, which the police had linked to the case. On the night of May 5, 1920, the two men were riding a streetcar after visiting a garage with two friends. Police, tracking the men who had been to the garage after receiving a tip, boarded the streetcar and arrested Sacco and Vanzetti on a vague charge of being suspicious characters. Both men were carrying pistols, and they were held in a local jail on a concealed weapons charge. And as the police began to investigate their lives, suspicion fell on them for the armed robbery a few weeks earlier in South Braintree. The links to anarchist groups soon became apparent, and searches of their apartments turned up radical literature. The police theory of the case was that the robbery must have been part of an anarchist plot to fund violent activities. Sacco and Vanzetti were soon charged with murder. Additionally, Vanzetti was charged, and quickly put on trial and convicted, of another armed robbery in which a clerk was killed. By the time the two men were put on trial for the deadly robbery at the shoe company their case was being widely publicized. The New York Times, on May 30, 1921, published an article describing the defense strategy. Supporters of Sacco and Vanzetti maintained the men were being tried not for robbery and murder but for being foreign radicals. A sub-headline read, Charge Two Radicals Are Victims of Department of Justice Plot. Despite the public support and the enlistment of a talented legal team, the two men were convicted on July 14, 1921, following a trial of several weeks. The police evidence rested on eyewitness testimony, some of which was contradictory, and disputed ballistics evidence that seemed to show a bullet fired in the robbery came from Vanzettis pistol. Campaign for Justice For the next six years, the two men sat in prison as legal challenges to their original conviction played out. The trial judge, Webster Thayer, steadfastly refused to grant a new trial (as he could have under Massachusetts law). Legal scholars, including Felix Frankfurter, a professor at Harvard Law School and a future justice on the U.S. Supreme Court, argued about the case. Frankfurter published a book expressing his doubts about whether the two defendants had received a fair trial. Around the world, the Sacco and Vanzetti case turned into a popular cause. The United States legal system was criticized in rallies in major European cities. And violent attacks, including bombings, were aimed at American institutions overseas. In October 1921, the American ambassador in Paris had a bomb sent to him in a package marked perfumes. The bomb detonated, slightly wounding the ambassadors valet. The New York Times, in a front-page story about the incident, noted that the bomb seemed to be part of a campaign by Reds outraged about the Sacco and Vanzetti trial. The long legal fight over the case went on for years. During that time, anarchists used the case as an example of how the United States was a fundamentally unjust society. In the spring of 1927, the two men were finally sentenced to death. As the execution date drew near, more rallies and protests were held in Europe and across the United States. The two men died in the electric chair in a Boston prison early on the morning of August 23, 1927. The event was major news, and the New York Times of that day carried a large headline about their execution across the entire top of the front page. Legacy of Sacco and Vanzetti The controversy over Sacco and Vanzetti never entirely faded away. Over the nine decades since their conviction and execution many books have been written on the subject. Investigators have looked at the case and have even examined the evidence using new technology. But serious doubts still remain about misconduct by the police and prosecutors and whether the two men received a fair trial. Various works of fiction and poetry were inspired by their case. Folksinger Woody Guthrie wrote a series of songs about them. In The Flood and The Storm Guthrie sang, More millions did march for Sacco and Vanzetti than did march for the great War Lords.
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
The Start of America with George Washington - 750 Words
The United States has a very rich and eventful history dating from the first settlers to arrive at Jamestown to the present day. Within this time frame, many leaders have emerged to add their own personal achievements and successes to this rich history. One is particular is our first President George Washington. Washington is well known for his tenacious personality, his drive for freedom against Brittan, and finally is desire to keep newly liberated United States unified. Washington shows all of this in his Farewell Address once he stated that he would not run for a third term. In this address he advises the country to abandon a party system, beware of foreign alliances, and establish a country based on religion and morality. The major point that Washington heavily address is the eradication of political parties within the US. According to Washington political parties agitate[s] the community with ill-founded and false alarms; meaning that political parties cause a disruption within the communitys cohesion. Political parties can cause a huge schism between groups of people. Since parties have a certain platform that expresses a groups moral, economical, and social views, it can be easy and often common place for those of opposing parties to be have tension. Washington knew that this would be the case when if political parties continued. Each party would have their own agenda meaning that they would focus on the parties interest and not truly advocate for the countriesShow MoreRelatedGeorge Washington : Man, Myth, Legend Essay1193 Words  | 5 PagesFrom cutting a cherry tree at the age of six to being the first president of the United States George Washington was a very influential man throughout his career. 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In 1743 Augustine died and left Mary to take care of all the children they had together and the children he had with Jane.  He had a total of tenRead MoreHow Do Americans View George Washington and Christopher Columbus Today?772 Words  | 4 PagesWashington had an impact on America during the late 1700’s, and Columbus had an impact on what he hoped was the West Indies in the late 1400’s and early 1500’s. George Washington and Christopher Columbus are viewed in two complete different ways. Columbus found America and brought the early English settlements over. Washington helped found our country. Howev er even though both men affected our country both are viewed differently than today. George Washington set a legacy that we are still followingRead MoreGeorge Washington s The War For American Independence1251 Words  | 6 Pages Out of all people in American history, George Washington will always remain to be one of the brightest ones. 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Through the start of this organization George Washington and many of the American elites policies were influenced to what we know them to standRead MoreAbraham Lincoln Rhetorical Analysis988 Words  | 4 Pagesfor which they will be accomplishing as president so they are able to unite the nation. America is an improbable idea that thrives due to determined leaders venturing for unity and stepping into a position of responsibility that entails making and executing tough decisions. A principal technique used in uniting a nation such as the United States is electing respected leaders. Abraham Lincoln and George Washington are respected leaders featured in the works that described their aims to unite the nationRead MoreForeign Affairs And The Pursuit Of Liberty Essay1514 Words  | 7 PagesLiberty Should America strengthen ties in foreign nations, or remain neutral when external conflict arises? This question has faced every United States President who has served, and will continue to stare the chief executive in the face. Whichever way the United States decides, neutrality or involvement, there are certain pitfalls and triumphs that come from either decision, but in some incidents the wrong decision can be detrimental. At the start of the nation, George Washington led the countryRead MoreEssay on George Washington1186 Words  | 5 PagesGeorge Washington and the Revolution George Washington was a part of Gods plan for a new country. What he did influenced what America has become. He laid the foundation for presidents to come, and built this country on solid Christian principles. George Washington was born February 22, 1732. His family lived on a few farms on the Potomac River. George was a strong boy. He could ride a horse and shoot a gun by age 10. When George was ten his older brother Lawrence came homeRead MoreWashington’s Second Term: The Election of 17921084 Words  | 5 PagesIn 1789, George Washington was unanimously elected by all 69 members of congress, to be the very first president of the United States of America. This unanimous vote was the result of Washington’s background. He was very well known in the thirteen states for being the leader of the great Continental Army, one that defeated the British in several key battles that ensured freedom and independence to the United States. Washington was also one of the people that helped found the Constitution, and heRead MoreThe Founding Father Project : George Washington1159 Words  | 5 PagesProject George Washington is the best Founding Father then all of the rest of the Founding Fathers,and that ever lived.George Washington has shaped America into almost perfection and has achieved the status of a legend.George Washington has achieved all of this by taking part in Pre-Revolutionary War,During the Revolution,and Post-Revolutionary War.He will be forever known as the man who made The United States of America,and â€Å"The Father of his Country†. Before the Revolution, George Washington had been
DBQ Native Americans-White Relations, 1800-1850 Essay
AP US History DBQ: Native Americans-White Relations, 1800-1850 In the time period of 1800-1850 white Americans expanded across the vast lands on the western side of the continent and regularly encountered conflict with various Indian nations. In these documents, interactions for the various Indian nations were subjected to different cultivation between each tribe per say that there were responses that filled different needs and demands. Some tribes provided benefits such as agriculture and household manufacture and produced the idea that settlements to be blended and conform into one people. Other interactions created conflict because some of our land purchases were not 100% in compliance with the constitution. Yet some Indian nations†¦show more content†¦B. However these promotions and ideas were only a cover-up of that the â€Å"governor got them to sign a deed for their land without their knowledge†. The chief’s considerer it out of consideration to that it was not in the ir power to do any such thing without consent from other nations. . The Chickasaw, Cherokee, Choctaw, Creek and Seminole nations were the only 5 major tribes that were highly affected from the Indian removal acts and were forced into Indian reservations ex. Doc D. The Indians were highly influenced by Tecumseh and gave him immediate obedience and respect for he was an â€Å"uncommon genius, which spring up occasionally to produce revolutions or overturn the established order of things†ex Doc. C. Yet due to the want vs. need for land the vicinity of the United States when Tecumseh died in the Battle of Thames from American forces. Tecumseh’s goal of establishing a independent Indian nation were clearly ruined and the recruitment of the 5 nations up towards the east of the Mississippi river. In conclusion, the time period of 1800-1850 white Americans expanded across the western side of the continent encountered conflict and different interactions with various Indian nations. Popular belief believed that that to achieve an ultimate point of rest and happiness that they should share their settlements andShow MoreRelatedBoyer Dbq Teacher Guide10764 Words  | 44 PagesUsing the DBQ Practice Questions from The Enduring Vision, Sixth Edition A Teachers’ Guide Ray Soderholm Minnetonka High School Minnetonka, Minnesota Using the DBQ Practice Questions from The Enduring Vision, 6th Edition A Teachers’ Guide This guide is intended to suggest some possible ways that students may organize essays related to the document-based questions in the Advanced Placement version of The Enduring Vision, 6th Edition, and to provide teachers with some information on each included
Ethical Responsibilities Of The Stakeholders - Myassignmenthelp.Com
Question: Discuss about the Ethical Responsibilities Of The Stakeholders. Answer: Analysis of the Commonwealth Bank Stakeholders The fundamental legitimate obligations of executives are to act in compliance with established goals of the Bank in light of a sound concern for the bank. Furthermore, the obligations are owed to the bank for the most part and not the investors at a given point of time. Although the huge responsibility of governing the bank as a whole is endowed upon the directors, they receive various incentives especially in the form of money. The most prominent task of shareholders is to provide the funding. Furnishing information is also a major responsibility of the shareholders (Bebchuk, Cohen and Wang 2014). Shareholders of the Commonwealth Bank have the capacity to impact the companys decisions to a certain extent. Shareholders can expect a total return of about 104.8% at the end of 5 years (, 2018). Apart from this, special discounts and bonuses are also given to the shareholders. Shareholders consequently expect to be treated with importance while important decisions are made. Customers are the primary source of income for the bank. Banks invest the money deposited by the customers and gain huge profits from it. Customers expect a secure and hassle free deposition and transaction of their finances. According to the Shareholder Review of 2016 of the bank, deposits made by the customers represented 66% of the total group funding (, 2018). As in any other line of work, bank employees regulate and conduct all the interactions with customers. Their tireless efforts ensure the productivity of the bank at large. Employees receive bonuses and special benefits in return. The profession of banking is regarded as very respectable in general. Bank directors and the management teams are the gatekeepers of money related solidity, which is a standout amongst the most valuable open merchandise. Bank management teams need to guarantee that the bank procedure as considered and executed by administration has a proper functional profile. That budgetary information precisely portrays the bank's state in general and thus cautious measures are needed to ensure investors' cash and investors' assets security (Boubaker, Mansali and Rjiba 2014). In short, the directors perform their activities without acquiring unreasonable risks. According to the normative model, supervisors or directors need to ensure that unnecessary and impetuous risks are not taken by the bank (Parente et al. 2016). Establishing a well scrutinized policy can reduce these risks significantly. It is the responsibility of the director to make sure that all the employees and workers adhere to those norms and regulations (Agn, Dellmuth and Tallberg 2015). However, intro ducing a policy that somewhat restricts the actions of employees and workers can be challenging at times. Thus it needs to be in congruence with the bank's ideologies and should be of the best interests of all the employees as well (Bukair and Rahman 2015). Nevertheless, directors need to maintain a certain level of independency while constructing these policies. Any bias or partiality will not be tolerated on the part of the director as the director of the bank is usually held accountable for any major issues that the bank faces. Employees are considered as the limbs of any working organizations. From day to day interaction with the customers to making sure all the transactions are completed securely and on time, every duty is distributed among employees at different levels (Ferdous and Moniruzzaman 2015). Thus, it is essential that they work with commitment and perseverance. Bank workers, otherwise called bank employees, are in charge of the vast majority of the ordinary operations at money related establishments. They must monitor all the cash that goes through a bank. This is no simple errand, as a bank of this magnitude has numerous exchanges each day. The expected set of responsibilities of a bank employee uncovers what bank employees do to screen each penny (Sharif and Rashid 2014). According to the Lawrence Kohlberg's different stages of moral development model, the pre conventional level suggests that obedience and self interest should be incorporated in the employees (Mallin, Farag and Ow-Yong 2014). Employees should have the urge to avoid punishments or penalties at any cost. This urge can be enhanced significantly if the work in hand can be viewed from a perspective of self interest. Working harder for benefits or incentives will only elevate the overall quality of the work. Conventions are the second level of Kohlbergs hypothesis (Thoma, Bebeau and Narvaez 2016). Working by the social norms and maintaining a respectable character should be the main focus of the employees. Several laws and policies are also been implemented and developed in banks to maintain any such policies. The stakeholder theory refers to the management procedures of an organization that comprises of business ethics, morals and values (Hung 2015). According to the model, a bank has primarily two types of stakeholders, viz. Internal Stakeholders and External Stakeholders. Internal stakeholders are the various employees associated with the bank, the managers and the owners of the bank (Hrisch, Freeman and Schaltegger 2014). Whereas, society, shareholders, customers and the suppliers are the instances of external stakeholders. This theory is concerned with providing the maximum value to the stakeholders, especially shareholders. Since a bank relies heavily on the shareholders, both financially and administratively, it is the duty of the shareholders to encourage a steady prosperity of the bank. Shareholders, who have been associated with the bank for long and have significant knowledge about the bank's functionality, can provide guidance to the board of directors. In case the directing bo ard decides on doing something unethical, the shareholders can sell the shares and consequently make the bank incur huge financial losses. Recommendations (Memorandum) dd/mm/yyyy MEMOANDUM TO: The Board of Directors, The Commonwealth Bank of Australia FROM: -name- SUBJECT: Restoring credibility of the Commonwealth Bank of Australia. The three areas that should be regarded more important than the rest are the action of the board, functionality of the management and the assimilation of a decent human resource department. Rests four component model is named after its developer, James Rest (1983). It describes the four abilities. Moral affectability concentrates on the capability to distinguish between the circumstances that are ethical and those which are not. Moral judgment obliges the person of concern to analyse the situation and take appropriate action. Moral inspiration includes prioritization of ethical rationalities. Finally, moral actions are meant to be taken on the basis of moral skills that are required. The main purpose of the board of directors is to make sure that the company prospers as a whole (Jizi et al. 2014). Apart from all the professional issues, the board members face various issues regarding corporate governance. It is of paramount importance that the board members regularly meet and discuss the numerous policies and norms. Members are entrusted with governing the bank in the right direction. In recent times, the bank has been involved in various dishonoring acts and issues that even made the CEO resign. Thus an overall change is needed, starting at the top of the administration. Clueless management adds to instability of the administration significantly. Without a good management team to implement the strategies and policies defined by the board of directors, no organization can function accurately. A capable management team will guide the bank to a more productive and profitable path (Campiglio 2016). With introduction of systematic policies that ensures profitability of the bank and the skills to operate even under substandard leadership of board members, a good management team can take the bank a long way. A well-structured human resource development department can provide the bank with stability and honesty. From recruiting skilled and honest employees to maintaining a safe and honest environment in the office, human resources department ensures that a certain level of dignity is maintained through the hierarchy of officials. It is evident from the reports in the recent times that there is a lack of proper and ethical leadership in the Commonwealth Bank of Australia. Thus, a change in the leadership would cast an overall change over the bank for good. A bank of such high popularity will always be under the radar of media and other inspective organizations. Any sort of corruption or fraudulence will be exposed sooner or later. Time and again the bank has been involved in controversies. In spite of existing norms and policies of the bank, employees at different levels have been involved in corruption. A rigid board of members with ethical mindset will make certain that corruption is not tolerated within the bank. A management team with strong ethics helps to maintain a standard quality of work. Different ethical programs and norms highlight the required values while making sure that the organizations ideologies are in alignment with these values. A proper management team dedicates itself to the promotion of the banks public image. Scrutinizing every policy from an ethical point of view leads to an ethical environment overall. Needless to say, in the context of recent scandals, the bank needs it more than ever. It is better to invest more on ensuring a corruption free administration than to face a litigation charge. Thoughtfulness regarding business morals is basic amid times of principal change and is of utmost importance in times much like those confronted now by organizations, both philanthropic or for benefit. Amid times of progress, there is regularly no reasonable good compass to manage pioneers through complex clashes about what is correct or off-base. Proceeding with thoughtfulness regarding morals in the working environment sharpens pioneers and staff to how they need to act reliably. Human Resource department will ensure a better relation between customer and the employees. In recent times the public image of the bank has somewhat been derelict. Employees need to be assessed carefully depending on their personalities and attitudes. Human resource department complies with the laws established for the benefit of workers as well as the organization itself. In case the department fails to do so, the working environment may become unsafe inside the bank which will in turn result in degrade d productivity and cause dissatisfaction among employees and customers, both. Human Resource officials must outline and screen work procedures to diminish the open doors for internal larceny. Human resource strategies should scrutinize and carefully observe each steps of money collection, handling that money and keep accounts of all exercises by means of video surveillance. In case a corrupt official makes an attempt to take money from a bank, the HR division must deal with the necessary lawful actions and regulatory procedures required by the bank's policies. References Boubaker, S., Mansali, H. and Rjiba, H., 2014. Large controlling shareholders and stock price synchronicity.Journal of Banking Finance,40, pp.80-96. 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Tuesday, May 5, 2020
Intercultural communication and cross
Intercultural communication and cross-cultural man Essay agement When talking about Intercultural communication and cross-cultural man Essayagement, we more or less have to accept that culture does exist, at least as an abstract concept or as an abstract unit. As a unit one can analyze and try to understand a culture, which may have vague or undefined borderlines separating one culture from another. These borderlines which might move from time to time and from situation to situation can, however, be crossed for various reasons, such as in connection with all kinds of intercultural co-operation, international tourism, cross-cultural management, etc. And intercultural communication, of course, is important in all of these situations. My understanding of culture will be covered by the following definition: Culture is the philosophy of life, the values, norms and rules, and actual behavior as well as the material and immaterial products from these which are taken over by man from the past generations, and which man wants to bring forward to the next generation eventually in a different form and which in one way or another separate individuals belonging to the culture from individuals belonging to other cultures As time goes on, people begin to fine other resource beyond their home country. Join in international company and work in host country, as their inner philosophy of their life exist, they cant avoid culture shock, other people use their own way to thinking to acting, different way of conduct business, value and norms est. both of these will crash both of people involved in this condition will reduce efficient or ability of them and process of doing things. From article of attention!! Working in Swiss and differences between Germans and Americans we see these countries have different measurements of doing things-their uncertainty avoid, low or high power distance, individualism collectivism both of these will effect through whole management process and base on managers capability of culture awareness and subordinates different culture awareness. With fast changing of this world company need high quality workers some of them may come from different culture, so intercultural management appears. In order to let them work efficiently supervisor should improve their knowledge of different culture or company fail in competition. As individual work in different culture environment who should also know different culture exist in different country and different type of people, know it and adopt differences between their home countries as soon as possible. We can get final success only if we do in this way follow the rule of this game!! .
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