Saturday, January 4, 2020
The Difference Between Child Abuse And Discipline
Do you know the difference between child abuse and discipline? Child Abuse is when someone physically and mentally hurts another person. Discipline is teaching someone or something to do the right thing. Child Abuse is very common in the United States. Many children suffer from bruising, swelling skin, and broken bones. Situations like this happen because of problems at home or personal problems. Parents at home abuse their children because of drinking and depression issues. In this crazy world, there are numerous types of abuses. There is sexual abuse, physical abuse, neglect, and emotional or psychological abuse. Sexual abuse is an intentional incident that involves sexual relationship to a child using all their power and taking advantage of them. According to Family Community Services, Physical abuse is a nonstop injury that happens more than one time. Neglect is a type of abuse you just don’t care or pay no attention to your child. Emotional or psychological harm is when you make your children think something that isn’t true. Discipline children usually do the things their parents or guardian tell them what to do because they teach them to pay attention and be polite. Child Abuse is constantly hitting your child for no apparent reason. Many children may tease other kids at school but they don’t know what it is happening at home. They don’t know that you are getting abused at home repetitively. Most of the people may not know but if they do they don’t do anythingShow MoreRelatedChild Abuse Prevention And Treatment Act1159 Words  | 5 PagesChild Abuse Crisis in America What is the difference between discipline and abuse? 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But, in older times disciplining a child set good moral standards and taught that child on what that child was supposed to do and what not to do. There is a fine line between abuse and discipline. So what is child abuse? Child abuse consists of any act of commission or omission that endangers or impairs a child’s physical or emotional health and development. Child abuse includes any damage done to a child which ca nnot be reasonably explained and whichRead MoreIs It Child Abuse Or Discipline?1436 Words  | 6 PagesIs It Child Abuse or Discipline? Child abuse viewed in the form of discipline is a growing epidemic that affects both the child in the present and can also damage them emotionally or physically in the future. The line between child abuse and discipline may seem obvious to most people, but where is the line actually drawn? Child abuse is anything that emotionally or physically endangers/impairs a child’s well-being, whereas discipline is correcting a behavior in a manner that helps the child’s growthRead MoreChild Abuse And Child Discipline925 Words  | 4 Pagesthe most controversial topics is the difference between child abuse and child discipline. Abuse is any action that intentionally harms or injures another person. Discipline is punishment that is intended to correct or train. Some parents do not see the harm in their form of discipline, but others may view it as abuse. It may not be the parent’s intention to harm their child but it is something that occurs. â€Å"In 2012, state agenci es found an estimate 686,000 of child maltreatment.†.*(*Kids Count) EveryRead MoreIs Corporal Punishment Child Abuse?841 Words  | 4 PagesHitting, fighting, screaming, ignoring, unnecessary touching, are all examples of child abuse. Child abuse is more than bruises and broken bones. 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